Bodycam Early Access Review – IGN

There’s a concept in business known as a “fast follow,” where a company quickly imitates a product shown by another company to capitalize on the buzz and beat them to market. Bodycam, created by the two-person team at Reissad Studio, appears to be following in the footsteps of Unrecord, a first-person shooter showcasing police bodycam perspective with stunning graphics. While mimicking successful ideas can sometimes lead to groundbreaking results, Bodycam falls short in execution, lacking the key elements needed to make it a standout shooter.

The concept behind Bodycam is intriguing, presenting a unique perspective reminiscent of police footage with its rounded lens, dusty glass, and rugged movements. The game boasts impressive visuals, featuring high-quality textures, detailed debris, and lush foliage. The lighting effects, ranging from dark corridors to blinding flashlights, add depth to the gameplay, especially in team-based modes.

However, the unique perspective of Bodycam proves to be a hindrance in competitive gameplay, as it hinders players’ ability to effectively navigate the environment and locate enemies. The mechanics of aiming down sights also feel awkward, detracting from the overall immersive experience of the game. While the shooting mechanics are solid, the unconventional viewpoint may not appeal to all players.

The fundamental shooting mechanics are solid.

Bodycam offers challenging gameplay with realistic gun mechanics, where precision and clever positioning are essential for success. The game’s emphasis on strategic gameplay over raw shooting skills provides a refreshing change of pace for FPS enthusiasts. However, the clunky movement mechanics and collision issues detract from the overall experience, leading to frustrating moments during gameplay.

Being stopped because your elbow is colliding with a table is both annoying and potentially deadly.

Despite its flaws, Bodycam features diverse and engaging levels that offer unique experiences for players. From abandoned hospitals to dark Russian buildings, each level presents distinct challenges and atmospheres to explore. The variety in level design helps prevent the gameplay from feeling repetitive, offering players a fresh experience in each match.

Not ready for competition

In team deathmatch mode, Bodycam shines with its intense gameplay dynamics, random weapon selection, and elimination-based rounds that ramp up the tension. However, standard deathmatch mode lacks the tactical depth and spawns are poorly managed, leading to a frustrating experience for players. The game’s other mode, Bodybomb, struggles with balance issues, making it difficult for teams to engage in competitive play.

One common issue across all modes in Bodycam is the lengthy match durations, which can extend up to 30 minutes. The absence of dedicated servers further compounds the problem, as matches can abruptly end if the host disconnects. While the game offers a ranking system for players to track their progress, certain modes lack balance and fail to provide a rewarding experience for solo players.

One issue that’s universal across all the modes is they just take too long.

As an early access title, Bodycam is expected to undergo significant changes over time, including the addition of missing features like controller support. The development roadmap for 2024 promises bug fixes, anti-cheat improvements, new maps, weapons, and modes. Despite its current shortcomings, the game has the potential to evolve with regular updates and improvements.