Stellar Blade Update 1.004 Causes Visual Issues, Fix Incoming

Shift Up Acknowledges Visual Issues in Stellar Blade Update 1.004

The most recent update for Stellar Blade, version 1.004, was released on the PS5 a few days ago. Unfortunately, it appears that this update has caused some graphic problems for players. The issues seem to be particularly noticeable when using Balanced and Graphics modes, leading many to switch to Performance Mode temporarily.

Visual Problems Reported in Different Modes

Players using Balanced Mode have reported experiencing blurry and fuzzy images, affecting both gameplay and the menu screen. Similarly, those utilizing Graphics Mode have also encountered issues with blurry visuals. On the other hand, Performance Mode seems to be unaffected by these problems.

Shift Up, the developer of Stellar Blade, has acknowledged the visual issues and assured players that they are actively working with Sony to address and release a fix for these problems promptly.

Temporary Solution and Gameplay Enhancements

As for a temporary solution, players are advised to use Performance Mode until the issue is resolved. Despite the graphics concerns, the latest update introduced two new outfits for Eve and the ability to change her hairstyle at any time. Additionally, improvements have been made to Eve’s jump direction while swinging on a rope, reducing the frustration of repeated falls.

Stay tuned for updates on the release of the next Stellar Blade patch, which will include fixes for the visual problems reported in update 1.004.