Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Unbound Difficulty Customization Detailed

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Difficulty Levels

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is set to offer players four different difficulty levels, including the new Unbound difficulty mode that allows for a variety of customization options.

EA has recently shared details about the gameplay aspects that can be modified when playing in Unbound mode, although some specifics are still being kept under wraps.

What is Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Unbound Difficulty?

The Unbound difficulty is a fresh addition to the game, serving as the fourth difficulty mode introduced by BioWare for Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Game director Corinne Busche explained to Game Informer that this mode aims to cater to players of all skill levels, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the world of Dragon Age.

Players will have the ability to customize various settings in Unbound mode, including different combat options. From enabling aim assistance to adjusting enemy health and damage received, there are plenty of ways to tailor the gameplay experience. Additionally, the level of challenge in parrying enemy attacks can be personalized, along with enemy pressure settings.

While specific customization options outside of combat have not been revealed yet, Busche mentioned that there will be similar accessibility features available for other aspects of the game.

In addition to Unbound difficulty, players can choose from three other options. Storyteller mode allows for a focus on the narrative rather than intense combat, while Adventurer mode strikes a balance between the two. These modes seem to be the updated versions of the Casual and Normal difficulties from previous Dragon Age games. Players have the flexibility to switch between Storyteller, Adventurer, and Unbound difficulties at any point during their playthrough.

For those looking for a more challenging experience, Nightmare difficulty ramps up the enemy difficulty in combat. While past games in the series have featured friendly fire in Nightmare mode, it is unclear if this will be the case in The Veilguard. Details on the latest iteration of Nightmare mode have not been fully disclosed, but it is known that this difficulty option is permanent once chosen, preventing players from switching to another level mid-playthrough.