Facets that Desperately Need a Buff – DOTABUFF

Facet Mechanics: Areas for Improvement

The facet mechanic is intriguing, but it still has room to grow and evolve to match Valve’s original vision. Currently, many heroes have facets that are categorized as “weak” or “strong,” rather than offering unique situational options. Let’s delve into some examples of underwhelming facets and discuss why they fall short of expectations.

Kinetic Fence: A Fun Ability with Limited Synergy

Kinetic Fence is an ability that appears fun at first glance, but unfortunately, it lacks synergy with the hero’s overall kit. While it can be creatively used to block enemies’ escape routes, the end result often pales in comparison to the effectiveness of the standard circular barrier.

Adding Thunder Strike damage along the wall in a small AoE and applying a slow effect could potentially enhance this facet and address its current weaknesses. Experimenting with ways to make Fence more appealing than Barrier could lead to exciting gameplay possibilities.

Solar Bind vs. Recall: A Difficult Choice

Solar Bind, although not necessarily weak, can be challenging to utilize effectively in uncoordinated pub matches. The high opportunity cost of choosing Solar Bind over Recall is a point of concern. Perhaps having access to both spells, each with varying power levels, could offer a solution to this dilemma.

During the TI qualifiers, some support KotL players opted for the Recall aspect, though the results were not particularly impressive. While the idea of having aspects tailored for professional and pub play has merit, there is a need to reconsider the effectiveness of Recall in regular matches.

Unbearable Aspect: Lone Druid’s Glass Cannon Dilemma

The Unbearable facet for Lone Druid seems counterintuitive, stripping away the hero’s survivability and transforming them into a fragile powerhouse. The facet’s design raises questions about its intended playstyle and overall effectiveness. Perhaps reworking this aspect or introducing creative buffs could breathe new life into Lone Druid players’ strategies.

The concept of Sylla serving as the primary source of ranged damage may have some merit, but with a hero like Lone Druid, known for versatility, the current implementation seems questionable.

Challenges of -20% Status Resistance

The support facet featuring -20% Status Resistance presents a unique challenge, particularly in the chaotic environment of teamfights. This aspect is especially difficult to leverage on a support hero with limited survivability against illusions.

While core Naga players typically favor the -Armor effect from Rip Tide for its early-game impact, the Deluge Naga aspect’s potential for displacement could offer alternative strategies. However, until significant adjustments are made, this facet may not see much play.

Sand King’s Sandshroud vs. Sandstorm: Striking a Balance

There is a stark contrast between the facets of Sand King, with Sandshroud appearing lackluster in comparison to Sandstorm’s effectiveness. While a potential buff for Sandshroud seems warranted, players anticipate broader changes to Sand King’s gameplay dynamics, possibly through an Aghanim’s upgrade overhaul.

Given Sand King’s history of fluctuating between dominant and irrelevant states, Valve’s challenge lies in finding the right balance for the hero. In the meantime, players may find more success with the Sandshroud variant in their matches.

Plague Carrier and Patient Zero: Discrepancies in Effectiveness

The disparities between the facets of Veno core, specifically Plague Carrier and Patient Zero, highlight the challenges of balancing hero mechanics. The underwhelming performance of Plague Carrier raises questions about its intended purpose and viability, particularly when compared to the potent abilities of Patient Zero.

Utilizing Plague Carrier effectively often requires playing Veno core and capitalizing on mobile wards for efficient farming. While the idea of amplifying ward attacks with items like Bloodthorn is intriguing, players may opt for more conventional hero choices with greater survivability and late-game potential.

Exploring Visage’s Facets: Challenges of Newbie Aspect

The “newbie” facet for Visage offers additional speed and range to Familiars, but at the cost of versatility. While this aspect may seem appealing on the surface, it poses challenges for players learning the intricacies of micro-intensive gameplay with Visage.

The current iteration of this aspect lacks clarity in its purpose and effectiveness, indicating a need for potential rework or adjustments to better align with Visage’s core gameplay mechanics. Valve may need to reconsider the design of Visage’s facets to ensure a balanced and rewarding experience for players.

Reworking Arcane Focus for Windranger

Arcane Focus, while promising in theory, struggles to find relevance in the current fast-paced meta of the game. With a slow ramp-up time and lack of contribution to Arcana progress, this facet falls short of expectations. Adjusting the numbers associated with Arcane Focus could potentially elevate its viability, tapping into its teamfight potential and offering a unique playstyle for Windranger.

While the current version of Arcane Focus may be unreliable, with the right tweaks, this facet could become a competitive alternative to the traditional Focus Fire ability. Players should keep an eye on potential adjustments that may enhance the usability of this facet in the future.

Looking Ahead: Facet Reevaluation and Community Input

As we reflect on the facets discussed, it is evident that certain aspects require reevaluation and potential enhancements to align with player expectations and hero capabilities. The discrepancies in win rates between facets underscore the need for adjustments to bolster weaker mechanics and support diverse playstyles.

Your feedback and insights are invaluable in shaping the future of these facets. Share your thoughts on the facets discussed and propose your solutions for improving these underperforming mechanics. Let’s work together to enrich the gameplay experience and enhance hero versatility in the world of Dota 2.