A Deep Dive Into BioWare’s Companion Design Philosophy In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The Veilguard’s Approach to Companionship

While visiting BioWare in Edmonton, Canada, this year for the latest Game Informer cover story on Dragon Age: The Veilguard, a recurring theme emerged from the game’s leads. In previous Dragon Age titles, BioWare stumbled upon exceptional companions by chance. However, with Veilguard, the team intentionally and purposefully crafted remarkable companions, making them central to the game’s narrative.

The Philosophy Behind Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Companions

According to BioWare’s general manager, Gary McKay, the development of companions in Veilguard was a deliberate choice. He emphasized that each installment of the Dragon Age series strives to bring something new, with companions playing a crucial role in this iteration. The studio recognized the unique qualities of these companions early in the development process, making them the focal point of the game.

Game director Corinne Busche echoed this sentiment, describing Veilguard’s companions as the most complex and fully realized characters in the Dragon Age series. She highlighted the intricate problems and character arcs that make these companions standout. In Veilguard, the companions are not just accompanying the player on an adventure; instead, the player feels like they are embarking on a journey with the companions, exploring their thoughts, feelings, and unique storylines.

Busche emphasized that these companions navigate both the dark and optimistic aspects of the game, providing a rich and engaging narrative for players to experience. The game’s creative director, John Epler, shared BioWare’s philosophy of focusing on characters over causes in Veilguard, underscoring the importance of individual stories within the larger narrative.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Game Informer Cover Story Exclusive Details

A Quick Detour: Neve Gallus

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Dreadwolf Game Informer Cover Story

Companions, In And Out Of Combat

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Dreadwolf Game Informer Cover Story

Rook’s companions in Veilguard have roles both in and out of combat, with each companion bringing unique abilities and personalities to the battlefield. During my limited time with the game, I delved deeper into how these characters operate in different scenarios.

In Combat

Bushce: “So companions as realized characters…

Outside Combat

Busche: “It’s one of my favorite topics…

For more about the game, including exclusive details, interviews, video features, and more, click the Dragon Age: The Veilguard hub button below.