Once Human: How to Increase Deviant Mood

Unlock the Potential of Your Deviants with Increased Deviant Mood in Once Human

Discover the key methods to enhance the Deviant Mood of your characters in Once Human, ensuring they are at their happiest and most efficient.

How to Increase Deviant Mood in Once Human

Deviant Mood is a crucial factor in Once Human that impacts the performance and efficiency of your Deviants. By keeping their mood high, you can ensure they are operating at their best. Each Deviant has specific preferences and needs that contribute to their mood, as outlined below. Here are some tips on how to boost Deviant mood in Once Human:

and so on…

Atomic LighterGadgetNoYESNoRedYESNoNo
Butterfly’s EmissaryCombatNoNoYESGreenNoNoNo
Buzzy BeeTerritoryYESNoYESNoYESNoNo
Chefosaurus (PVE)TerritoryNoNoNoRedNoHighYES

By referring to the table above and understanding each Deviant’s preferences, along with monitoring their power levels, you can ensure your Deviants are content and prepared to aid you in various tasks within the game.

These strategies will help you improve Deviant mood in Once Human and maintain a harmonious relationship with your characters. For more in-depth guides and strategies, visit our dedicated Once Human Guides page.