Why I Love A Good Map, And That Time I Mapped Yoshi’s Melons For Nintendo Power

The Impact of In-Game Maps on Gaming

Do you have a gaming pet peeve that can ruin your experience no matter how good the game is otherwise? For many players, including Nathan, a bad in-game map is a significant annoyance.

Graphics: 7; Sound: 8; Gameplay: 9; Cartography: 0 — Image: Nintendo

Take the original Metroid, for example. Nathan, who played it in 1986, was impressed by its gameplay and theme but disliked its labyrinthine design due to the absence of a map.

Nathan’s fascination with maps extends beyond gaming. He studied Geography in college with the goal of becoming a GIS specialist, emphasizing the importance of maps in his life.

Defining a Map

A map is a representation of a world, be it a text-based dungeon master’s guide, a 2D visual from above, or a 3D model. Its value lies in conveying accurate information to the reader.

The Lesson of Yoshi’s Melons

While working with Nintendo Power, Nathan learned the tedious task of ensuring accurate game maps, notably during the production of a Yoshi’s Story guide involving 1,440 fruits.

Although the experience deterred Nathan from pursuing map-making as a career, it instilled in him a deep appreciation for well-made maps.

Metroid Revisited: A Case Study

Metroid’s necessity for a map on planet Zebes exemplifies the importance of in-game maps. While earlier entries lacked maps, Super Metroid set the standard with its detailed and user-friendly map.

Image: VGMaps

Super Metroid’s map, displayed on the pause screen, not only tracks progression but also encourages exploration and aids in identifying areas for further discovery.

Exploring Various Map Designs

Aside from Metroid, Nathan finds other game maps intriguing, such as the interactive hub world map in Bionic Commando that predates Super Mario Bros. 3’s overworld map.

Bionic Commando map
Bionic Commando screenshot — Image: Moby Games

He also appreciates games like Final Fantasy VI for breaking the mold by displaying the world map as an overlay, allowing players to explore both the map and the game simultaneously.

FF Map
Image: Moby Games

Games like Far Cry 2 and Minecraft take this concept further by integrating the map into the game world, offering a more immersive experience.

Enhancing Maps with Dual Screens

Chrono Trigger for the DS showcases the perfect utilization of dual screens by featuring an ever-present map on the second screen, enhancing the gaming experience for map enthusiasts like Nathan.

Image: Nathan Lockard / Nintendo Life

Modern Innovations in Map Design

Games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild blur the line between map and game world, offering interactive elements like marking waypoints and dropping pins, making the map an integral part of the gaming experience.

BOTW Hero's Path Map
For instance, this one’s communicating, ‘You should stop hunting Korok seeds and do something more productive with your time’Image: Gavin Lane / Nintendo Life

From classic games like Metroid to modern titles like Breath of the Wild, the impact of in-game maps on the gaming experience remains profound, providing players with essential navigation tools and enhancing exploration.

Share your thoughts on in-game maps and let us know your favorite examples in the comments.