Once Human: How to Get Sanity Gummies

When to Consume Sanity Gummies

Sanity Gummies are essential items in Once Human, specifically designed to help manage your Sanity. A crucial stat in the game, Sanity directly affects your maximum health (HP), which can make survival more challenging if it drops below a certain threshold. When your Sanity level decreases, you may experience Whims, which are status effects that come with both buffs and debuffs. For example, you might notice a 30% increase in swim speed but also a 30% rise in hydration depletion rate.

Given the importance of these gummies, knowing when to consume them is vital. You should consider consuming a Sanity Gummy when your sanity points drop, as they replenish 500 points upon consumption. Pollution Zones or encounters with hostile creatures are common scenarios where your sanity levels may rapidly decrease. Additionally, consuming spoiled food, raw meat, or dirty water can also reduce your Sanity, making it necessary to take a gummy to counter these effects. Once your affected health bar clears and returns to normal, you can replenish your health to full capacity.

Obtaining Sanity Gummies

The process of crafting Sanity Gummies in Once Human is relatively straightforward.

  • To begin, unlock the recipe for Sanity Gummies by accessing Electric Stoves in the Logistics tab of the Memetics Menu.
  • Next, craft a Gummy using either a Stove (with 3x Logs) or an Electric Stove.
  • Essential ingredients for crafting Sanity Gummies include:
sanity gummy in the stove
Image source: KillroyPlays
  • To obtain Sugar, process 2x Beets, harvest them, and use a Stove to convert them into Sugar.
  • Maintain a steady supply of water, sugar, and logs to ensure you always have access to this valuable resource.

While Sanity Gummies provide an immediate boost to your Sanity levels, there are other methods to restore Sanity in Once Human, such as sleeping in a bed or consuming items like Fruit Tea. By incorporating these strategies into your gameplay, you can effectively manage your Sanity and maintain peak performance in the game.