Biggest Winners of 7.37 – DOTABUFF

Refined Facet Mechanics and Updated Balance in Patch 7.37

After the recent patch, it’s clear that a major focus was placed on refining facet mechanics and improving the overall balance of the game. Many heroes from our wishlist received some deserving buffs, leading to significant shifts in the meta. Let’s take a closer look at some of the biggest winners of patch 7.37.

Support Tinker Shines in Teamfights

Support Tinker has emerged as a powerhouse with a significant buff to his Repair Bots facet, increasing its effectiveness by +50%. This boost has solidified his position as one of the strongest teamfight supports in the game. By strategically using March of the Machines from a safe distance, Tinker can contribute effectively to team engagements.

While Tinker may face mana sustain challenges in the early game, his ability to teleport to and from the base without the pressure of farming as a core more than compensates for it.

Investing in items like Holy Locket can further enhance Tinker’s healing capabilities, making him a formidable force in team engagements. Transitioning to a “hex lockdown” playstyle later in the game with items like Guardian Greaves Guardian Greaves and Pavise Pavise can further boost team survivability.

Omniknight Steps Up as a Support

Omniknight has seen a resurgence in high-level pubs as a reliable healer and support hero. With a focus on his “Healing Hammer” aspect and the introduction of a new shard, Omniknight has established himself as an indispensable asset to teams.

Utilizing his abilities strategically, including Purification and Repel, Omniknight can provide essential support in team engagements. However, it’s crucial for Omniknight to maintain a supportive role and prioritize team survivability over frontline combat.

When facing heroes like Shadow Demon Shadow Demon, it’s important to adapt strategies to mitigate their impact on Omniknight’s effectiveness.

Lina Transforms into a Late-Game Teamfight Core

Lina has undergone a significant transformation in the latest patch, emerging as a potent late-game teamfight core. With enhancements to her AoE splash damage capabilities, Lina now poses a formidable threat on the battlefield.

Players are advised to adopt a mid or carry role when playing Lina, focusing on farming and building up key items for survivability and damage output. Items like Gleipnir Gleipnir and Black King Bar Black King Bar can significantly enhance Lina’s effectiveness in combat.

Ultimately, the latest patch has brought about notable changes to various heroes and gameplay dynamics. Share your thoughts and experiences with the new patch in the comments below!