Against the Meta — Support Edition – DOTABUFF

Dealing with the Current Meta

Image by MrScrake

With the recent 7.37b update, the current Dota 2 meta hasn’t shifted much. We are still in a tanky patch filled with healing and sustain. However, in the world of Dota, there are always strategies to adapt and thrive. While these strategies may not always be obvious or easy to execute, when mastered, they can significantly boost your win rate. Today, let’s explore some of the top heroes to play if you want to counter the popular picks of the current patch.

Bone Chill — Ancient Apparition

Ancient Apparition is a hero who shines in countering the enemy’s Strength attribute. However, his weakness lies in the laning stage. Despite having decent range and harassment abilities, he often struggles against other position five supports, especially against heroes like Hoodwink. But surviving the laning phase without feeding and reaching the early midgame can completely turn the tides of battle. Ancient Apparition is particularly effective against meta threats like Omniknight and Tinker, thanks to his ability to turn off heals on priority targets. In a Holy Locket meta, this effect can be a game-changer.

Additionally, Ancient Apparition’s Ice Vortex can reduce enemy Strength attributes and deal significant damage for free. His Ice Blast combo, coupled with Ice Vortex, Cold Feet, or Chilling Touch, can not only turn off heals but also prevent HP gain from leaving the Bone Chill aspect area. The hero’s Shard provides a potential screen-wide stun, making him a versatile support. Opting for items like Solar Crest, Force Staff, or Aether Lens can further enhance his gameplay style.

Promulgate — Disseminate

Surprisingly underpicked in average level pubs, Shadow Demon is a highly popular choice in higher-level brackets. This hero excels at countering Omniknight spammers and various meta picks. His Demonic Purge ultimate is a versatile tool that can dispel barriers, slow priority targets, and disrupt enemy strategies effectively.

While Shadow Demon’s laning stage requires practice to master skills like Shadow Poison stacking, he truly shines in the mid to late game with his Disseminate ability. This skill can instantly remove a percentage of the enemy’s health, making it a potent tool in a tanky meta. Even when dispelled, Disseminate serves as a strong current HP nuke that should not be underestimated.

Remember, there are numerous ways to approach Dota gameplay, and sometimes deviating from the meta can lead to success. Understanding the strengths of certain heroes, adapting your playstyle, and prompting counter-adaptations from the enemy team are crucial aspects of the game. While unpopular heroes with low win rates may seem weak, their effectiveness often hinges on player familiarity. With communication and patience, unconventional picks can certainly make a difference in your matches.

What are your thoughts on Ancient Apparition and Shadow Demon? Do you believe there are other underrated heroes that can disrupt the meta? Share your insights in the comments below.