2023’s Magic: The Gathering heist spawned 2024’s best Gen Con cosplay

The Gen Con Heist Turns into Memorable Cosplay

2023’s Gen Con, America’s largest tabletop gaming convention, made headlines not just for the gaming excitement, but also for a real-life heist that saw $300,000 worth of Magic: The Gathering cards being stolen. While the suspects were caught and the cards were recovered, the incident inspired two Gen Con attendees to create cosplay based on the heist.

Partners Chris Chheng and Stephanie Szabo, along with their friend Austin Jongeling, decided to recreate the infamous heist as a cosplay, donning outfits that mimicked the attire of the actual thieves. The attention to detail included a custom-made Castle Assault T-shirt, mirroring what the accused thieves were wearing during the theft.

The costume construction had its challenges, especially with creating the Castle Assault logo on the T-shirt. Szabo recounts the process of printing the logo on white fabric before transferring it onto the black shirt, resulting in a successful replication of the design.

One of the highlights of their cosplay was the cart prop, covered in Magic cards to give the illusion of a cart filled with valuable cards. While most were common cards purchased in bulk, Chheng added some rare and sought-after cards like Black Lotuses and even a replica of the One Ring card famously bought by Post Malone for $2 million.

For Jongeling, embodying a character during the cosplay parade was a delightful experience. Drawing from his theater background, he immersed himself in the role of a cunning thief, sneaking around and pretending to pilfer cards from the cart, adding a touch of interactive storytelling to their cosplay.

Despite initial concerns about whether attendees would understand their cosplay, the trio was met with resounding laughter and recognition as they made their way through the event. The joy and amusement from the crowd validated their efforts and added to the memorable experience.

While they opted out of entering the formal costume contest at Gen Con, the group found fulfillment in participating in the cosplay parade and bringing humor and creativity to the convention. For them, the essence of Gen Con lies in the sense of community and camaraderie that welcomes all attendees, making it a cherished event full of friendship and shared passions.