Complete Guide to Wicked Thunder in FFXIV Savage Raids

The Final Raid Boss: Wicked Thunder

Wicked Thunder is the ultimate challenge in the current tier of the Arcadion raid. Known for its difficulty, even seasoned Savage raiders may struggle with this encounter. To help you through this tough fight and secure your victory, we will break down each of Wicked Thunder’s mechanics and provide tips on how to conquer them to earn the Moonwheel S1 mount.

As always, establishing clock positions, support/DPS pairs, and light party formations will aid in navigating mechanics smoothly.

Wrath of Zeus/Bewitching Flight

Wrath of Zeus strikes the entire raid with AoE damage, so ensure everyone mitigates this accordingly. Following this, Bewitching Flight will cause Wicked Thunder to sprout wings and summon electric orbs on the west side of the arena.

Pay attention to the glowing cubes and lasers on the boss, maneuvering through the gaps to avoid damage from the line AoEs.

Electrifying Witch Hunt

After Bewitching Flight, prepare for Electrifying Witch Hunt. Watch for residual laser marks and observe the formation of electric cubes on the eastern side of the map.

Players will receive physical vulnerability stacks and Forked Lightning debuffs before the next mechanic is unleashed.

Witch Hunt

During Witch Hunt, watch for diamond markers appearing briefly on the boss. The color of the marker will indicate which group of players will be targeted.

Coordinate movements to ensure players without vulnerabilities are hit by Witch Hunt while those with Forked Lightning debuffs absorb the damage.

Narrowing or Widening Witch Hunt

Narrowing Witch Hunt

For Narrowing Witch Hunt, adhere to clock positions, move away after the outer AoE, and prepare for subsequent mechanics. Remember the sequence: Out, In, Out, In.

Widening Witch Hunt

With Widening Witch Hunt, maintain clock positions but move away initially. Adjust positioning based on party assignments and tackle the alternating AoEs. Follow the sequence: In, Out, In, Out.

After resolving these mechanics, be ready for another Wrath of Zeus and deploy necessary heals and defenses.

Electrope Edge/Witchgleam

Wicked Thunder summons electric cubes at the edges with Electrope Edge. Watch for Witchgleam which affects these cubes differently based on the number of hits they receive.

Symphony Fantastique/Sidewise Spark

Symphony Fantastique detonates electrified cubes alongside Sidewise Spark. Position accordingly based on the number of orbs and stack or spread as needed.

Wicked Jolt (Tankbuster)

Be prepared for Wicked Jolt targeting the main tank and requiring a strategic cooldown or tank swap to survive.

Electrope Edge II and Witchgleam

After Electrope Edge, players will receive debuffs during Witchgleam that require repositioning for subsequent mechanics.

Lightning Cage

Positioning is key during Lightning Cage, as specific tiles will be highlighted. Plan movement to avoid overlapping AoEs while handling Sidewise Spark.

Wicked Bolt

For Wicked Bolt, coordinate a party stack to mitigate the incoming damage.

Ion Cluster/Stampeding Thunder

Ion Cluster debuffs players before Stampeding Thunder cleaves sections of the arena. Watch Wicked Thunder’s direction to determine the cleave area.

Electron Stream

Position correctly during Electron Stream to cleanse debuffs by taking hits according to your status.

Electrope Transplant

Prepare for Electrope Transplant’s AoE attacks and manage the Lightning Point debuff to survive the next phase.

Phase 2: Conduction Point and Forked Fissures

Manage Conduction Point and Forked Fissures to navigate the final hits of this phase.

Soul Shock, Impact, and Cannonbolt

Stack up for Soul Shock, Impact, and Cannonbolt while withstanding consecutive raidwide damage.

Cross Tail Switch

Survive Cross Tail Switch’s repeated raid-wide damage by coordinating cooldowns and utilizing LB3 when necessary.

Wicked Blaze

Coordinate positioning to manage Hexaflare markers and stack markers, ensuring survival from this mechanic.

Wicked Special

Anticipate Wicked Special’s mechanics based on the boss’s visual cues to navigate this stage successfully.

Mustard Bomb

Spread out for Mustard Bomb and manage tethers to evade the AoE overlap effectively.

Aetherial Conversion and Tail Thrust

Watch for Aetherial Conversion indicators to correctly dodge the subsequent Tail Thrust mechanic.

Azure Thunder

Prepare for raidwide damage during Azure Thunder and position at the center to handle the impending mechanic.

Twilight Sabbath

Watch the clones spawned during Twilight Sabbath to predict the incoming Sidewise Spark attacks.

Wicked Fire

Manage baiting mechanics during Wicked Fire to position yourself effectively and avoid damage.

Scattered or Concentrated Burst

Coordinate with your team to handle Scattered or Concentrated Burst while managing clone mechanics.

Flame Slash and Raining Swords

Adapt to Flame Slash and Raining Swords by positioning on safe sides and towers to mitigate incoming damage.

Chain Lightning

Watch the order of marked swords during Chain Lightning to dodge the resulting chain of damage accordingly.

Ion Cluster II

Expect a reprise of Ion Cluster with new debuffs and handle Sunrise Sabbath clones effectively.

Sword Quiver

Prepare for the final mechanic, Sword Quiver, and position to mitigate the damage before the enrage phase.