Mithral Ore Locations & Adamantine Forge Moulds in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)

All Mithral Ore locations in BG3

When venturing through the Underdark in Baldur’s Gate 3, players will eventually reach the Grymdark and gain access to the Adamantine Forge located in the southern part of this region. To utilize the Forge, you will need Adamantine Forge Moulds and Mithral Ore. Below are the locations of all six Moulds and the two Mithral Ore in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Before diving into the whereabouts of the Mithral Ore, it’s important to establish a reference point for the locations that will be discussed. We will be using the waypoint discovered upon entering the Ancient Forge as our starting point.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

The first location where Mithral Ore can be found is to the right of the Ancient Forge waypoint. Players will need to defeat groups of enemies and Animated Armor before proceeding left and down. Upon reaching ground level, a jump across a lava river will lead to the Mithral Ore. In this area, there are no enemies, so simply use a bludgeoning weapon to collect the ore and head towards the Adamantine Forge.

Baldurs Gate 3 Mithral Ore in the adamantine forge
Screenshot: PC Invasion

The second and final location of the Mithral Ore is located near the waypoint and on the path to the forge itself. As you descend the stairs in front of the waypoint, a Mithral Ore will be visible in the distance to the left. Beyond this point, players should expect the appearance of Fire Mephits, which must be defeated before claiming the Mithral Ore.

Baldurs Gate 3 Mithral Ore 2 location stairs
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Upon arrival at the Mithral Ore on the other side, a group of Fire Mephits will spawn. It is recommended to utilize ice spells like Ice Knife to swiftly eliminate them. Subsequent to defeating the Fire Mephits, players can proceed to melee the Mithral Ore to acquire the Mithral inside.

All Adamantine Forge Mould locations in BG3

If you are looking for the six Moulds in Grymdark for the Adamantine Forge in Baldur’s Gate 3, exploring thoroughly as you make your way towards the Forge is key. Here is a map to aid in finding each Mould effortlessly.

Baldur's Gate 3 Adamantine Forge Mould Locations map
Screenshot: PC Invasion

The Longsword Mould is situated on the catwalk leading to the Ancient Forge, while the Shield Mould can be found on the ground in a large room behind a large locked door on the second level.

To access the catwalk, players can utilize various methods such as flying up to it or using Enhanced Jump. Additionally, a bomb can be used on the wall in the northwest to ascend the stairs and reach the catwalk, taking caution of traps along the way.

The Scimitar Mould is located near the levels for the second catwalk section. As for the Mace Mould, Scale Mail Mould, and Splint Mould, these can be found near the Ancient Forge waypoint on tables and on the ground. Look out for the Moulds resembling iPad-looking slates in this area.

With the six Moulds and two Mithral in possession, players can create two of the best items available in the game. However, careful consideration is necessary as only two items can be crafted. It is also essential to defeat Grym and understand how to effectively utilize the Forge.