Khadgar’s Fate Confirmed in WoW: The War Within

Khadgar’s Fate in The War Within Expansion

The fate of Khadgar in the latest expansion has been a topic of discussion among players since the opening sequences of The War Within. Despite the apparent destruction of Dalaran by Xal’atath, many fans were skeptical about the supposed death of the Kirin Tor Leader. The conclusion of the max level campaign in The War Within finally sheds light on what truly happened to Khadgar.

Khadgar’s Apparent Death During Dalaran’s Destruction

At the onset of The War Within, Dalaran was transported to Khaz Algar to act as a hub for the magi in the area. Unfortunately, Xal’atath orchestrated an assault on the city once it relocated. While her Nerubian followers caused chaos within Dalaran, Khadgar engaged in a confrontation with the Blade of the Black Empire before being interrupted by Alleria Windrunner.

Although they were unable to prevent Xal’atath from casting a spell that obliterated a substantial part of the city, it appeared that Khadgar also met his end during this event. However, there was no clear visual of Khadgar disintegrating along with Dalaran. Additionally, leaked images of an empty wheelchair, believed to belong to Khadgar, hint at his survival albeit with severe injuries.


Khadgar is Alive but Paralyzed

The release of Season 1 unveils the final cutscene of the current chapter, confirming the status of the beloved Kirin Tor mage. In the conclusive mission of the campaign, Alleria confronts Xal’atath after absorbing shadow energy from Beledar via the Dark Heart. In the concluding cinematic, Alleria manages to force Xal’atath to retreat by striking the artifact with a well-aimed arrow.

Following Xal’atath’s departure, a weakened Khadgar materializes in front of Alleria. Though he is on the brink of death due to the ordeal, Anduin harnesses the power of the Light once more to revive the mage. This revelation confirms that Khadgar is alive, well, and will continue to play a significant role in the ongoing expansion.

Khadgar explains that he survived Dalaran’s destruction by transforming into pure energy before being absorbed by the Dark Heart. After enduring within the artifact, he almost succumbed to the effects, but eventually managed to regain his corporeal form.

While he persevered through the ordeal, the experience left him with lasting damage, rendering him wheelchair-bound. The datamined image of the wheelchair accurately predicted Khadgar’s survival but highlighted his current inability to walk. The extent of his recovery remains uncertain, leaving players to wonder if this condition will be permanent going forward.

The War Within Reveals the Fate of Another Character

Aside from Khadgar, the latest campaign also unveils the fate of another character believed to be deceased: Queen Neferess. In the opening scenes, Neferess, the former Nerubian Queen, appears to be slain by her daughter Ansurek, who seeks to take control of the Nerubian Empire under the influence of Xal’atath.

The subsequent main story quest in this chapter discloses that Neferess is indeed alive, albeit transformed into an Ascended Monstrosity against her will by Ansurek. Serving as a mini boss in the first raid of the expansion, she is coerced by Xal’atath to engage in combat with the adventurers. Despite the encounter, there remains a glimmer of hope that Neferess can be restored to her former self in the future.

Initially thought to be deceased, Neferess’ new title as the First Ascended was a result of Ansurek’s experimentation and manipulation rather than official recognition. The aftermath of the upcoming Nerub-ar Palace raid may shed more light on the fate of the Nerubians post the defeat of Queen Ansurek, offering players a glimpse into what lies ahead.