PlayStation Needs Competition From Xbox Now More Than Ever

Lack of Competition from Xbox Gives PlayStation an Unfair Advantage

If yesterday’s reveal of the PS5 Pro is any indication, PlayStation is in desperate need of some competition from Xbox. With Microsoft shifting its focus towards game publishing rather than the console race, Sony has been left with a significant edge in the gaming market.

A veteran analyst, Piers Harding-Rolls of Ampere Analysis, highlighted the impact of this lack of competition on Sony’s decision-making process. He pointed out that with no direct competitor like the Xbox One X was to the PS4 Pro, Sony has been able to set higher prices without fear of losing market share.

One noticeable example of this was the recent price increase of the PS5 in various regions, excluding the U.S. – the only region where Xbox Series X|S poses any significant competition. With Microsoft even beginning to release exclusives on PlayStation, Sony seems to have been handed the console market on a silver platter.

While it’s not to say that the PS5 Pro’s price hike was solely due to lack of competition, it certainly played a role in Sony’s strategy. And if the trend continues into the next generation with no competition from Xbox, it could lead to even more unfavorable outcomes for console gamers.