The International 2025 Wishlist – DOTABUFF

Revitalizing The International: A Call for Change

Every year, The International is praised as the “biggest esports event of the year,” showcasing the epitome of Dota gameplay. While this reputation still holds true, there is a sense that this year’s TI fell short of its usual glory. Let’s discuss some key factors that could bring back its former grandeur.

Addressing Balance Issues

In recent years, the frequency and scale of updates have brought excitement to the game. However, this has also brought about some balance challenges. One approach is to meticulously balance the game leading up to TI. While this can enhance diversity in hero picks, it may lead to a stagnant pub meta.

Alternatively, introducing a TI-specific patch right before the tournament could promote adaptation and variety in strategies, creating a more unpredictable and engaging event.

Evolving the Group Stage

The Group Stage this year lacked intensity compared to previous years. With fewer teams and low stakes, it felt like a mere formality. Enhancing the meaning and excitement of the Group Stage in future TIs could elevate the overall viewing experience.

Rethinking the Grand Finals

The importance of the Grand Finals cannot be understated. Allowing the final series to have its own dedicated day could ensure that teams compete at their peak performance, enhancing the quality of the games and the viewing experience.

Looking Beyond the Prize Pool

While the hefty prize pool adds prestige to TI, the true essence lies in the celebration of Dota. The focus should be on the competitive spirit, skillful plays, and innovative strategies showcased during the event, rather than the monetary rewards.

By exploring ways to refresh the format, increase excitement, and prioritize competitive integrity, The International can continue to captivate audiences and maintain its status as the premier esports event of the year.