Beginner basics for Splatoon 3: tips for improving in battle | News

Strategies for Turning the Tide in Unfavourable Situations

When you or your allies find yourselves splatted or the opponents are pushing the frontline, it’s crucial to have a game plan to shift the momentum back in your favor. Here are some key strategies to keep in mind:

Stick together

One common mistake players make in high-pressure situations is going in alone when outnumbered. It’s important to stick together as a team to avoid getting picked off one by one. This not only increases your chances of survival but also sets you up for a coordinated counterattack when the time is right.

Respawning at different times can disrupt your team’s synergy and make it difficult to reclaim control of the map. By prioritizing team cohesion and safety, you can regroup with your allies, control key areas of the map, and build up your special meter for a game-changing play.

Instead of engaging in isolated skirmishes, focus on supporting your teammates, holding crucial positions, and applying pressure to the opposing team. Collaborating with a partner not only increases your survivability but also creates opportunities to outmaneuver your opponents and seize the advantage.