How to Lower Crime in Frostpunk 2

Ways to Decrease Crime in Frostpunk 2

To combat the rise in Crime in your city due to Goods Scarcity and Population Size increase, there are effective strategies you can implement in Frostpunk 2.

How to Lower Crime in Frostpunk 2

To lower Crime, focus on implementing surveillance measures in your Expanded Housing District by constructing Prisons and Watchtowers. Begin by unlocking Watchtowers in the Idea tree under the Society tab.

watchtowers idea tree

Utilize the Surveillance Watchtower, Patrol Watchtower, and Watchtower to combat criminal activities effectively. Additionally, unlock Thought-Correction Prison, Punitive Prison, and Isolation Prison to address Crime.

goods scarcity causes crime frostpunk 2

Address Goods Scarcity by enhancing Goods production in your Industrial Districts. Expand these districts to increase Goods output and prevent shortages.

goods production in industrial district

Implement relevant laws such as Durable Goods and Paid Essentials to manage the demand for Goods effectively and boost Production Efficiency.

pass laws to increase goods production

Research Dutiful Youth to engage young adults in moral activities supervised by elders, reducing Crime in the city.

dutiful youth to reduce crime in frostpunk 2

Explore the Resources tab in the Idea Tree to research Goods Factories and Factories for improved Goods production while managing pollution and associated challenges like Squalor and Disease.

goods factories in the idea tree

Enlist faction members to your Militia to strengthen security measures in the city and consider implementing laws like Guard Enforces, Steward’s Militia, and Martial Law to curb Crime effectively.

faction to get extra guards

By following these strategies, you can effectively reduce Crime in Frostpunk 2 and maintain order in your city.

Image source: Nivarias