How to Get More Prefabs in Frostpunk 2

Prefabricated building components, known as prefabs, are essential for the growth and expansion of your city in Frostpunk 2. When facing a shortage of prefabs, your city’s development may suffer, causing distress among your citizens. To ensure a steady supply of prefabs, consider the following strategies:

How to Obtain More Prefabs

Construct Extraction Districts

Discover Prefab Deposits in Abandoned Ruins on the map and build Extraction Districts on these locations. These districts will gradually extract prefabs over time, providing you with a consistent source of this vital resource.

Build Industrial Districts

Industrial Districts can also be constructed on prefab deposits. While their primary function is to produce goods, you can switch them to prefab production when needed. Keep this option in mind when facing a shortage of prefabs.

Demolish Districts

If you find yourself in urgent need of prefabs, consider demolishing districts to reclaim a portion of the prefabs used in their construction. This can help you free up space quickly and address the shortage effectively.

Explore the Frostland

Send Frostland Teams to explore the cold wilderness, as they may uncover hidden prefab deposits or abandoned ruins containing prefabs. This additional source of prefabs can complement your existing supply and support your city’s growth.

Research and Development

Researching certain ideas can enhance prefab production efficiency and unlock new prefab-related technologies. For example, consider investing in the Mechanical Factory or the Remoulded Prefabs Factory to increase your prefab output. Evaluate the trade-offs, such as increased disease or squalor, to make informed decisions for your city’s development.

Ensure that your city is adequately producing materials and food to sustain its growth. Plan for the long-term needs of your city and adjust your production accordingly to support its expansion and prosperity.

By implementing these strategies, you can maintain a steady supply of prefabs and empower your city to thrive in the challenging world of Frostpunk 2. For more tips on optimizing your workforce, learn how to get more Workforce.