Nine Sols: How We Brought a Taopunk World to Life

A Unique Game Design Process

We approached the design of Nine Sols with a clear vision – to create a game that stands out in both gameplay and audio design. To achieve this, we integrated traditional Eastern sounds with modern instruments, resulting in a soundscape that is truly one-of-a-kind. This fusion of ancient roots and futuristic elements gives Nine Sols an identity that sets it apart from other games, enhancing the overall atmosphere.

Amplified Narrative Themes

As we delved deeper into the game development process, we noticed that the overall narrative of Nine Sols began to resonate with profound themes. Concepts such as nature vs. technology and the essence of life and death naturally emerged in the storyline. It almost felt like Nine Sols was charting its own course, with us merely guiding it along as it found its voice. The end result is a storytelling experience that delves into deep philosophical concepts through the captivating blend of myth and technology.

A Journey of Excitement

Reflecting on the journey of creating Nine Sols, we are filled with excitement to share this world with you. Whether you are drawn to the deflection-heavy combat, the cyberpunk-inspired art style, or the thought-provoking philosophical themes interwoven in the narrative, Nine Sols promises to offer something that will captivate you.