Implicit Conversions, a company specializing in bringing beloved PlayStation classics to PS Plus and the PS Store, is setting its sights on PS3 emulation. Amidst swirling rumors that Sony is working on making select PS3 games compatible with the PS5, Implicit Conversions has confirmed that they are indeed exploring this possibility. However, the outcome is far from certain.
Sharp-eyed fans recently stumbled upon a roadmap on Implicit Conversion’s website, revealing that the company is currently “researching and prototyping the possibility of a PlayStation 3 emulator package for [emulation engine] Syrup.”
Approximately a month ago, Implicit Conversions included the PS3 emulation project in its roadmap and just a week ago, updated its status to “dreaming about,” indicating that there is still a long way to go before any tangible results may materialize.
Despite challenges posed by the PS3’s complex cell architecture, tech experts believe that achieving PS3 emulation will be no small feat. Noteworthy progress was recently demonstrated by a YouTuber who successfully ran Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and LittleBigPlanet 3 on an RPCS3 emulator using an AMD BC-25 mining card and PS5 silicon, showcasing the potential for emulation.
Implicit Conversions is approaching the PS3 emulation project as a commercial endeavor rather than a personal undertaking, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the possibility of PS3 games running smoothly on the PS5.