Box Art Brawl: Crash Nitro Kart (GameCube)

Vote for your favorite Crash Nitro Kart box art below!

European Box Art

Image: Universal Interactive / Launchbox

Starting with the European version, we see Crash, Neo Cortex, and Nitrous Oxide racing over a checkered flag with the fiery logo in the corner. While not the most visually striking, it effectively captures the essence of the game.

North American Box Art

Crash Nitro Kart - NA
Image: Universal Interactive / Launchbox

The North American artwork features similar character designs but shifts the race to a desert setting. With minor adjustments to Crash and his kart, the standout feature is definitely the change in scenery.

Japanese Box Art

Crash Nitro Kart - JP
Image: Konami / Launchbox

The Japanese version takes a more artistic approach, putting Crash and Neo Cortex in focus with a game-accurate design. Despite the presence of the looming clock, the intensity in Crash’s eyes steals the spotlight.

Thank you for participating in the poll! Look out for future Box Art Brawl matchups.