Dr. Stone: Final Season Premiere Review

Dr. Stone Takes Viewers on a Lunar Journey

Dr. Stone fans have been eagerly awaiting the ultimate goal of Senku Ishigami revealed in season 3 – traveling to the moon to reverse the petrification of humanity. The final season kicks off with a calm reintroduction of characters, setting, and premise, setting the stage for the high-stakes adventure to come.

The episode cleverly recaps past events through an in-universe audio log recorded by Minami, adding a humorous touch by showing her recording on a literal wooden log. Side characters get their moment in the spotlight as they state their motivations and quirks, reminding viewers of their presence.

The main conflict in the episode arises between Senku and Ryusui, as they debate the best route to take to the United States before winter sets in. Rather than resorting to physical violence, their differences are resolved through a game of poker, adding a comedic element to the confrontation.

While the episode maintains the action-packed essence of the series, it also continues the trend of quickly introducing new inventions without diving deep into the scientific process behind them. Fans may miss the in-depth exploration of how Senku and his team work to reinvent modern devices and techniques.