Dynamax Articuno counters, weakness, and battle tips in Pokémon Go

Dynamax Articuno in Pokémon Go

Get ready, trainers! Dynamax Articuno has arrived in Max Battles for Pokémon Go, starting on Jan. 20 during Max Monday from 6-7 p.m. The icy Legendary bird will be available for a limited time until Jan. 27 when Dynamax Zapdos swoops in.

Dynamax Articuno Weakness

Articuno, being ice- and flying-type, has several weaknesses to exploit. It is vulnerable to rock-, steel-, fire-, and electric-type moves. While rock-type moves would typically be the best choice due to their advantage against ice- and flying-types, there are no Dynamax Pokémon with rock-type Dynamax moves at the moment.

On the flip side, Articuno shrugs off bug- and grass-type moves, so avoid using those against it.

Dynamax Articuno Best Counters

To take on Dynamax Articuno, consider bringing Pokémon with offensive moves. Watch out for Ancient Power, which can deal significant damage to Charizard. Keep Charizard in reserve and deploy it strategically when needed, while sturdier Pokémon soak up hits.

For defensive plays, have Pokémon with Max Guard at the ready. As for healers, high-HP Pokémon are preferable, but teaching healing moves to Blastoise or Lapras can also be helpful.

If all else fails, bring your strongest Dynamax Pokémon into battle. Prioritize power over type advantages, especially if you have a maxed-out Dynamax Gengar available.

If you’re finding Max Battles challenging, here are some general tips to enhance your performance and support your team. While Legendary Max Battles are no walk in the park, they shouldn’t be as difficult as Gigantamax Battles. Follow our advice to improve your chances of success.