How to Catch Atlantean Storm Fish in Fisch (Complete Bestiary)

Fisch Update: Explore Atlantean Storm for New Fish

Fisch has recently released an exciting update featuring a new location known as Atlantean Storm, which introduces 8 new fishes to catch. If you’re aiming to complete the bestiary for this location, you’ll need to be well-informed about the best bait, timing, weather conditions, and seasons for each fish. In this guide, we’ll provide you with all the essential details to help you succeed in your fishing endeavors at Atlantean Storm.

To locate the Atlantean Storm area, head to the whirlpools at the following GPS coordinates: X: -3838, Y: 138, Z: 420. If you’ve already visited Grand Reef, you’ll find that this new location is nearby.

How to Complete the Atlantean Storm Bestiary (All 8 Fishes)

atlantean storm location bestiary fisch
  • The Uncommon fish found in Atlantean Storm include the Tempest Ray and Abyss Snapper, which are best caught using a Training Rod with Garbage or Seaweed bait. The ideal weather for catching Tempest Ray is Windy (Winter), while Abyss Snapper is most easily caught during Foggy weather (Autumn).
  • The Unusual fish in Atlantean Storm are the Vortex Barracuda (Clear weather, Summer) and Whirlpool Marlin (Rainy weather, Spring), which require Minnow and Squid baits, respectively.
  • For the Typhoon Tuna (Rainy weather, Winter) and Cyclone Mako (Windy weather, Spring), use Fish Head bait.
  • There’s also a Legendary fish known as Maelstorm Shark, only catchable with Truffle Worm bait during Foggy weather in Autumn.
  • Lastly, the Mythical fish Void Angler requires Truffle Worm bait during Clear weather in the Summer season.
void angler atlantean storm fisch
Void Angler
complete atlantean storm

That sums up all you need to know about catching the fish in Atlantean Storm to complete the bestiary in Fisch. Additionally, the developers have hidden 3 secret fish, including a rare Banana—learn how to catch it on a specific island. Don’t forget to also explore strategies for catching the Grand Reef Guardian for money and XP farming, as well as obtaining the new Rod of the Exalted One and Exalted Relics.