How to Get Mustard and Long Pike Secret Fish in Fisch

How to Catch the Mustard Secret Fish in Fisch

If you’re aiming to complete the Fisch bestiary, you’ll need to add the Mustard fish to your collection. This elusive fish can be found in The Ocean, but it’s not easy to catch. To increase your chances, use Seaweed bait during rainy weather in the summer season. With a mere 0.15% catch rate, luck boosts are essential if you want to reel in this mustard-colored fish. Keep an eye out for a mutated version for an extra challenge. Selling the Mustard can fetch you around 11,000C$ and earn you approximately 7000 XP. Look for a black and white exclamation mark when you hook this Secret fish.

How to Hook the Long Pike Secret Fish in Fisch

The Long Pike is another challenging catch available in The Ocean. Using Insect bait at any time can attract this fish, but you’ll have better luck during rainy weather in the spring and autumn seasons. With a low 0.14% appearance rate, consider participating in events like the Aurora Borealis to boost your chances. Selling the Long Pike can earn you around 12,000C$ and about 6000 XP, making it a valuable addition to your collection.

Don’t overlook the other additions to the Fisch bestiary, including new creatures in the Atlantean Storm location. Completing this bestiary can unlock rewards like the Hangman’s Hook, Kraken Tentacle, and Drifter’s Tale Bobber from the Captain Neptune NPC. Check out our comprehensive guide for tips on using the best baits, weather conditions, and seasons to complete the bestiary.