Dynamax Zapdos counters, weakness, and battle tips in Pokémon Go

Dynamax Zapdos in Pokémon Go

Dynamax Zapdos is the latest Legendary Pokémon to appear in Max Battles for Pokémon Go. It will be available starting on Jan. 27 from 6-7 p.m. during Max Monday until Feb. 3 when Dynamax Moltres debuts.

While Dynamax Zapdos may not be as formidable as some of the previous Gigantamax battles, it can still pose a challenge due to the limited availability of Dynamax Pokémon to counter it.

Below, we provide some general tips and counters for battling Dynamax Zapdos in Pokémon Go.

Zapdos is an electric- and flying-type Pokémon, leaving it vulnerable to rock- and ice-type moves. However, the issue arises because currently, there are no Dynamax Pokémon with rock-type Dynamax moves.

Although there aren’t many Dynamax Pokémon that directly counter Zapdos, there are some that can resist its attacks, allowing for a more defensive strategy.

Dynamax Zapdos Best Counters

Considering the above information, here are some recommended counters to bring when facing Zapdos, focusing on offensive moves:

It is advisable to keep your offensive Pokémon in reserve until it’s time to Dynamax or Gigantamax, as Zapdos can quickly eliminate them otherwise.

For defense, consider using Pokémon with Max Guard and Max Spirit to tank hits from Zapdos and charge up the max meter efficiently.

Even if you don’t have the specific recommended Pokémon powered up, opt for the strongest Dynamax Pokémon you have available to maximize your chances of success in battle.

If you have been struggling in Max Battles, here are some general tips to enhance your performance and ensure you contribute effectively to your team’s success, especially in Legendary Max Battles like the one against Zapdos.