This Ultra-Rare GameCube Prototype Could Be Yours For Just $100,000

Rare GameCube Prototype Listed for Sale on eBay

Several GameCube variants were released throughout the lifespan of the console, but for anyone looking to add a piece of sought-after Nintendo hardware to their collection, you now have a chance to do so. One of the ultra-rare “Space World” GameCubes has been listed on eBay, and all it’ll cost you is a mere $100,000.

Put up for sale by ConsoleVariations founder Donny Fillerup (via IGN), this is the indigo model that was shown off all the way back in 2000 at Nintendo Space World, alongside several other color variants. It’s worth noting that this GameCube prototype isn’t a functional model, as it’s merely a shell with some LEDs stuck inside of it so that it could wow audiences at the event back then, and it doesn’t come with a controller." height="100%" width="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="

What is interesting here is to see how many tweaks Nintendo made to the GameCube between this Space World reveal and its official launch in 2001. These are mostly cosmetic in nature, but this is still an interesting piece of gaming history. According to Fillerup–who previously sold off the Queen’s Golden Wii–selling the GameCube prototype will generate funds to build a gaming hangout for people to visit.

If $100,000 is a little too rich for your blood, you can pick up a regular GameCube for much less on eBay or you can grab one of several GameCube games that were ported to Switch. Sadly, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, isn’t one of them–yet.

Anyone else in the market for a modern Nintendo gaming system can also prepare themselves for the launch of the Switch 2 this year.