What’s Coming in 2025 for Age of Empires and Age of Mythology – Age of Empires

Immortal Pillars Expansion Launches Soon

2024 was a remarkable year for players of Age of Empires and Age of Mythology—a year marked by passion, creativity, and unforgettable moments. Thanks to the dedication of the community, it has been a fantastic year for the franchise as a whole. From the New Year, New Age showcase to the Red Bull Wololo: El Reinado tournament, from Gamescom to the releases of Age of Mythology: Retold and Age of Empires Mobile, we have had an incredible journey. With over 10 million new players joining, we have reached a milestone of 60 million Age of Empires players worldwide.

Our players play a vital role in shaping the future of the franchise. Today, we are excited to kick off 2025 by unveiling what lies ahead. Get ready, as we have a lot to share!

Immortal Pillars Expansion Launches March 4, Pre-Order Now

For Age of Mythology: Retold players, the long wait is nearly over! After the exciting reveal of the Immortal Pillars expansion for Age of Mythology: Retold at the Tokyo Game Show, we are thrilled to announce that it will be launching on March 4th—and pre-orders are now live! This expansion brings new content, including the Chinese pantheon, new maps, myth units, and gameplay features. Here are some highlights of the exciting content to expect:

*As a reminder, if you already own the Age of Mythology: Retold Premium Edition, Immortal Pillars is included at no extra cost—dive in and play on day one!

Age of Empires II: DE and Age of Mythology: Retold coming to PlayStation 5

We are excited to announce that Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and Age of Mythology: Retold will be making their way to PlayStation 5. This move to bring our games to all platforms aims to unite the community and create a global battlefield where every player and strategy matters.

Age of Mythology: Retold on PlayStation 5

Starting on March 4, Age of Mythology: Retold will introduce new myths, cultures, and welcome PlayStation 5 players to join in the adventure with the launch of the Immortal Pillars expansion. PlayStation 5 players can also enhance their experience by purchasing Immortal Pillars to explore the new Chinese pantheon.

PlayStation 5 Bonuses:

  • Get the Premium Edition for 5-day early access starting February 27, access to the new Immortal Pillars expansion, and more!
  • Pre-order now and enjoy two exclusive Blessings for the Arena of the Gods mode.

All game updates from March 4th onwards will be available on all platforms simultaneously—Steam, Windows Store, Xbox, and PlayStation 5—and players can play together.

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition on PlayStation

Coming this spring, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition will be making its debut on PlayStation 5, accompanied by an exciting DLC expansion that promises fresh content and new civilizations for players to enjoy across all platforms.

While we are keeping some details under wraps for now, stay tuned for more information on what’s to come.

Two DLCs Bring New Experiences to Age IV in 2025

For Age of Empires IV players, we have an exciting update! In 2025, we will be launching not one, but two DLCs to enhance the gameplay experience. These DLCs will introduce variant civilizations, new units, buildings, and unique game modes that focus on shorter, repeatable experiences to challenge players in new ways.

The first of the two DLCs, Knights of Cross and Rose, is set to launch this spring, offering fresh gameplay experiences and solo challenges for even the most skilled strategists. Stay tuned for more details on what to expect!

Age of Empires Mobile: New Features and Events in February

Age of Empires Mobile has been a hit with players worldwide, and in just four months since its launch, it has attracted millions of players to build kingdoms and lead epic heroes to victory. February brings new features and events to enhance the gameplay experience:

  • Battle of Dawn: Engage in a legendary temple campaign with four stages leading to cross-server combat.
  • Stellar Glory: Face off against governors from different kingdoms in a battle zone mode.
  • Valentine’s Day Cosmetics: Obtain exclusive themed items for your kingdom.
  • Josephine’s Treasure Hunt: Compete in three events and earn rewards by following Princess Josephine.

To celebrate Age of Empires Mobile, we have an exclusive gift code for the first 20,000 users to redeem it! Code: AoEMVLTN

Stay tuned for more updates and events in February.

Making History in 2025

This is just a glimpse of what’s in store for 2025. We have more surprises planned, so make sure to follow our community channels and blogs at ageofempires.com to stay updated. Keep sharing your feedback and thoughts with us across all platforms as we gear up for an exciting year ahead. Prepare yourself for an epic 2025 like no other—see you on the battlefield!