Hoopa Unbound counters, weakness, and best moveset in Pokémon Go

Hoopa Unbound Raid Day in Pokémon Go

Hoopa Unbound is appearing in raids during Pokémon Go’s Hoopa Unbound Raid Day event on Saturday, Feb. 15 from 2-5 p.m. in your local time.

During this event, Hoopa will be featured in raids as a five-star target. Trainers can receive up to five free raid passes by spinning gym discs, and the limit for remote raid passes will increase to 20.

Previously, the only method to obtain Hoopa in Pokémon Go was through the “Misunderstood Mischief” seasonal Special Research. Now, all players can catch their own Hoopa Unbound, a strong psychic-type attacker, through raids. Players can also change Hoopa’s form and transfer Hoopa Unbound to Pokémon Home.

Taking Down Hoopa Unbound in Raids

Hoopa Unbound, a psychic- and dark-type Pokémon, has a double bug-type weakness and a regular fairy-type weakness. Utilize bug-type Pokémon with bug-type moves to exploit these weaknesses.

Hoopa Unbound resists psychic-type moves, so avoid using them in battle.

Top Counters for Hoopa Unbound

  • Mega Pinsir with Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
  • Mega Heracross with Struggle Bug and Megahorn
  • Mega Scizor with Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
  • Mega Beedrill with Bug Bite and X-Scissor
  • Genesect with Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
  • Vikavolt with Bug Bite and X-Scissor
  • Escavalier with Bug Bite and Mega Horn
  • Volcarona with Bug Bite and Bug Buzz
  • Yanmega with Bug Bite and Bug Buzz
  • Golisopod with Fury Cutter and X-Scissor
  • Pheromosa with Bug Bite and Bug Buzz

If you lack the Mega Evolutions, powered-up base Pokémon can also be helpful in battle against Hoopa Unbound.

Don’t underestimate Vikavolt and Escavalier, which may already be in your Pokémon list from previous Community Day events.

To take down Hoopa Unbound, assemble a team of powered-up bug Pokémon and collaborate with a small group for the raid.

If you raid in rainy weather, your bug-type moves will receive a damage boost.

Best Moveset for Hoopa Unbound

Hoopa Unbound shines with the moveset Confusion and Psychic, making it the second-best psychic-type Pokémon in the game behind Mewtwo.

While other options like Mega Alakazam and Shadow Mewtwo may seem more appealing with Megas and shadows included, Hoopa Unbound is still a formidable choice.

Shiny Hoopa Unbound in Pokémon Go

No, a shiny version of Hoopa Unbound is not available in Pokémon Go. As a Mythical Pokémon, Hoopa has unique shiny restrictions and has never been released in its shiny form. The availability of shiny Hoopa in Pokémon Go remains uncertain.

Image: Niantic