Pop-up camp locations in Monster Hunter Wilds

Setting Up Camps in Monster Hunter Wilds

Exploring the world of Monster Hunter Wilds involves setting up camps strategically. These camps serve as essential bases in various environments, as there is no central city hub for players to return to after hunts. In addition to the main base camps, players must also establish pop-up camps throughout the area, which can be vulnerable to monster attacks if not protected.

How to Find and Establish New Camps in Monster Hunter Wilds

When navigating through Monster Hunter Wilds, players will encounter secluded spots suitable for setting up camp. By interacting with a Palico at the base camp of a specific area, players can construct a pop-up tent. These temporary campsites can be used for fast travel, restocking supplies, and respawning if needed.

Players should be selective about which campsites to activate, as not all are equally safe. Some camps may be at risk of destruction by monsters, temporarily disabling them. Progressing through the main story will unlock more camp slots for players to utilize.

The game features five main regions where pop-up camps can be built: Windward Plains, Scarlet Forest, Iceshard Cliffs, Oilwell Basin, and Ruins of Wyveria. Below are maps detailing camp locations in Windward Plains and Scarlet Forest. Stay tuned for information on the remaining three regions!

Windward Plains Camp Locations

Exploring the Windward Plains has led to the discovery of 11 campsites in various areas.

Scarlet Forest Camp Locations

The exploration of Scarlet Forest has uncovered 10 campsites in different locations.

Stay tuned for updates on camp locations in the Oilwell Basin, Iceshard Cliffs, and Ruins of Wyveria regions.