All Avowed Starmetal Weapons and How to Make Them

In Avowed, Starmetal Weapons are powerful weapons with exceptional stats. These Legendary Quality weapons are especially valuable for melee-focused builds on higher difficulty levels. Here is a comprehensive guide to understanding Starmetal Weapons.

What are Starmetal Weapons

Starmetal Weapons are special weapons crafted from Fragments of Starmetal within the game. These weapons can be located in various regions throughout the Living Lands. Below are the specific locations where Starmetal can be found:

  • Godless Altar, Dawnshore
  • Damp Burrow, Emerald Stair
  • Abandoned Mine, Shatterscarp
  • Ash Forest, Galawain’s Tusks

It’s worth noting that confronting hordes of enemies is often necessary to obtain the Starmetal.

How to Make Starmetal Weapons

To craft Starmetal Weapons, you must utilize a Starmetal Smithy. Locate Forgemaster Dela in Solace Keep within Galawain’s Tusks. Visit his forge and present the Starmetal fragments to him. He will inform you of the rarity of Starmetal and then ask whether you desire a sword or an arquebus. The choice of weapon is entirely up to you.

Upon successfully crafting your Starmetal weapon, he will offer you the Meteor Blade (Sword) or the Moonstrike (Arquebus). By combining your Starmetal Weapon with additional Starmetal, you can upgrade the weapon into either the Ondra’s Offense (Sword) or the Heavenstrike (Arquebus). The quantity of Starmetal found in the game is adequate to both craft and enhance these weapons.

All Starmetal Weapons

Here is a list of all the Starmetal Weapons featured in Avowed.

Meteor Blade (Sword)

  • Quality Level: Legendary
  • Physical Damage: 120
  • Stun: 100
  • Stamina Cost: 11
  • Critical Hit Chance: 3%


  • Lamenting Flurry: A Full Combo Attack reduces the hit enemy’s damage by 20% for 15 seconds
  • Freezing Lash: Hits inflict an additional 10% Frost Damage

Moonstrike (Arquebus)

  • Quality Level: Legendary
  • Physical Damage: 308
  • Stun: 280
  • Stamina Cost: 25
  • Critical Hit Chance: 3%


  • Ondra’s Scorn: Power Attacks apply moderate Frost Accumulation to nearby enemies
  • Freezing Lash: Hits inflict an additional 10% Frost Damage

Ondra’s Offense (Sword)

  • Quality Level: Legendary
  • Physical Damage: 168
  • Stun: 130
  • Stamina Cost: 11
  • Critical Hit Chance: 3%


  • Lamenting Flurry: A Full Combo Attack reduces the hit enemy’s damage by 20% for 15 seconds
  • Freezing Lash: Hits inflict an additional 10% Frost Damage

Heavenstrike (Sword)

  • Quality Level: Legendary
  • Physical Damage: 431
  • Stun: 364
  • Stamina Cost: 25
  • Critical Hit Chance: 3%


  • Ondra’s Scorn: Power Attacks apply moderate Frost Accumulation to nearby enemies
  • Freezing Lash: Hits inflict an additional 10% Frost Damage