Best Monster Hunter Wilds Endgame Guide: Gear Progression

High-Rank Armor Progression

In the world of Monster Hunter Wilds, reaching High Rank is a significant milestone for hunters. This mode unlocks the most powerful weapons, armor, and Decorations in the game. Transitioning from Low Rank to High Rank can be intimidating, especially when facing Tempered monsters. To make this transition smoother, we have curated a guide to help you progress through Monster Hunter Wilds’ gear system and ultimately obtain the best gear available.

When diving into High Rank, it is crucial to prioritize acquiring a solid set of HR armor. These sets offer superior physical defense and elemental resistance compared to the highest rarity Low-Rank armor. Opt for the β (Beta) variants when selecting High-Rank armor, as they provide more Decoration slots, which play a vital role in endgame customization.

Here are some recommended armor sets to kickstart your journey into High Rank:

  • Hope β: (Starting with Divine Blessing and multiple status resistances)
  • Quematrice β: (Featuring Flinch Free and Latent Power for extended hunts)
  • Ingot β: (Boasting Divine Blessing and Resentment, requiring only mined ores for crafting)

As you progress further, consider upgrading to sets like Guardian, Apex Predator, and others, which serve as the foundation for advanced endgame builds. Notable armor sets to aim for include:

  • Guardian Ebony β: (Equipped with the reliable Burst skill for increased DPS uptime)
  • Guardian Rathalos β: (Enhancing affinity on weak spot hits through Weakness Exploit)
  • Xu Wu β: (Combining Heroics and Adrenaline for a powerful synergy)
  • Artian α: (A versatile set with multiple stability skills for reliability)

Upon completing the main questline in High Rank, strive to obtain the Guardian Arkveld β armor set for attributes like Partbreaker, Flayer, and Weakness Exploit, facilitating easier monster takedowns. While mix-and-match strategies are common for optimal builds, having these full armor sets will provide a solid foundation for refining your playstyle and achieving efficient endgame clears.

Weapon Goals

Each weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds follows a crafting tree that culminates in Rarity 8 variants being the best-in-slot options. While monster-crafted weapons are potent, Artian weapons stand out as the pinnacle of gear customization. Unlike traditional crafted weapons, Artian weapons offer control over key attributes such as damage, affinity, and elemental properties.

Rarity 6 and 7 Artian weapons feature all Decoration slots at level 2, while the highest rarity variants boast level 3 slots, allowing for unparalleled versatility. By reinforcing these weapons with Azuz ores, you can introduce randomized boosts for physical/elemental damage, sharpness, or affinity.

Assembling Artian Weapons

Creating an Artian weapon entails acquiring specific components: Blade, Disc, Tube, and Device. Combining these components in various configurations results in crafting weapons tailored to your preferred playstyle. Here are the component combinations for different weapon classes:

  • Great Sword: Blade, Blade, Tube
  • Long Sword: Blade, Tube, Tube
  • Sword and Shield: Blade, Tube, Disc
  • Dual Blades: Blade, Blade, Disc
  • Hammer: Disc, Disc, Tube
  • Hunting Horn: Disc, Device, Device
  • Lance: Blade, Disc, Disc
  • Gunlance: Disc, Disc, Device
  • Switch Axe: Blade, Blade, Device
  • Charge Blade: Blade, Disc, Device
  • Insect Glaive: Blade, Tube, Device
  • Light Bowgun: Tube, Device, Device
  • Heavy Bowgun: Disc, Tube, Device
  • Bow: Tube, Tube, Device

Component rarities can be obtained from specific Tempered quests for each Rarity tier:

  • Rarity 6
    • Balahara, Lala Barina, Congalala, Rathian, Quematrice
  • Rarity 7
    • Ajarakan, Gravios, Blangonga, Hirabami, Xu Wu, Guardian Ebony Odogaron, Guardian Fulgur Anjanath, Rathalos, Gravios
  • Rarity 8
    • Rey Dau, Uth Duna, Nu Udra, Gore Magala, Arkveld

Decoration Endgame

Incorporating Decorations into your armor is a pivotal aspect of customizing your build in Monster Hunter Wilds. These gems provide essential skills that can enhance your abilities in combat. While popular choices like Critical Eye, Attack Boost, and Earplugs are considered meta, it is important to select Decorations that complement your specific build.

Here are some top-tier Decorations worth considering:

  • Attack Jewel III
  • Expert Jewel III
  • Earplugs Jewel II
  • Flayer Jewel III
  • Brace Jewel I
  • Chain Jewel III
  • Challenger Jewel III
  • Critical Element Jewel III

To acquire level 3 Decorations, undertake 6 to 7-star High-Rank quests, as they offer higher tier gems as rewards. Additionally, some monsters roaming the open world may grant bonus rewards specifically tailored to Decorations.

Endgame Monster Farm

The pinnacle of Monster Hunter Wilds’ endgame is conquering the toughest Tempered monsters like Gore Magala, Jin Dahaad, and Arkveld. These formidable creatures yield high-level Artian fragments and Decorations, bolstering your combat prowess.

While High Rank currently serves as the final challenge, Monster Hunter typically introduces new monsters periodically to prepare players for expansions. These expansions not only introduce additional monsters but also unveil the ultimate challenge – Master Rank, a difficulty level known for its extreme trials.

If you find yourself with surplus Decorations, consider converting them into points at the Melding Pot to acquire randomized Decorations and Artian Fragments. For Armor Spheres and Azuz ores, prioritize exchanging extra monster parts for forging points to further enhance your gear.