How to Find the Hippie and Sunstone Present in Fisch (The Hunt)

Find the Hippie for The Hunt Quest in Fisch

The Hunt has commenced in Fisch, starting on March 13, 2025, with one of the tasks being to locate the Hippie character named Ringo. The quest consists of three steps: catching 10 fish, opening two bait crates, and interacting with the Easter Bunny on Sunstone Island. If you’re new to the game or seeking a quick completion, this guide will assist you in achieving your goal.

Locating the Hippie on Mooswood Island

If your starting location is Mooswood, you’re in luck as the Hippie, also known as Ringo, spawns near the rocks that lead to the Merchant on the island. Look for the fishing rod skin shop, and Ringo should be close by at coordinates X: 410, Y: 135, Z: 235. Engage in conversation with him to kickstart the quest.

Obtaining the Sunstone Present in Fisch

To begin, the initial task involves capturing 10 fish, which can be accomplished by utilizing the Moosewood pier, pond, or surrounding areas for fishing. Employing the Rapid Catcher or Instant Catcher bait with a high lure speed rod will be advantageous. Any type of fish will suffice, so newcomers can also complete this part of the quest.

buy bait crates in mooseowod

Subsequently, make your way to Moosewood and purchase two bait crates if they are not already in your possession. This will require in-game currency, so consider catching additional fish to sell and meet the necessary funds. Equip a crate to your hand by selecting it from the Hotbar and then proceed to open it twice to fulfill the second task.

sunstone island marker

Lastly, venture to Sunstone Island and locate the Easter Bunny to retrieve the ‘Sunstone Present.’ Navigate to the island either by boat or by joining another player’s boat indicated on the map.

easter bunny next to merlins hut

The Easter Bunny can be found in a different location than other NPCs, requiring you to reach the opposite side of Sunstone and ascend the ladder as you would to access Merlin’s Hut. Arrive at the GPS coordinates of -963.9, 224, -981.1 to encounter the new Easter Bunny NPC sporting a purple hat. Engage in conversation by selecting the dialogue option “The Sunstone Present of course!” when prompted with “Whatcha need?”

sunstone present fisch

Following a brief cutscene, the Sunstone Present will be added to your Fisch inventory. Return to Ringo, engage in dialogue with him, and complete the quest to receive the Oceanborn title, the Silver Egg Trophy Bobber, and The Weighted Truth badge.

cutscene and item the hunt fisch