How To Unlock Caldarus Romance Option In Fields Of Mistria

Unlocking Caldarus for Romance in Fields of Mistria

Fields of Mistria’s newest addition allows players to romance the dragon guardian, Caldarus. However, unlocking his affection takes some effort. To begin this quest, players must gather rare and valuable items, spending time in the mines to prepare. Our Fields of Mistria Caldarus guide will show you how to unlock Caldarus for romance and what gifts he prefers.

How to Romance Caldarus in Fields of Mistria

Good thing there’s a local witch who specializes in breaking seals.

Caldarus’ human form marks the beginning of a romantic journey, triggered by a quest in the game’s second major update, Breaking the Fire Seal. To start this quest, players must delve deep into the mines to retrieve the tablet and the Fire Seal at level 60. Along the way, gather emeralds, sapphires, and rubies for the quest. Once you have the tablet, speak to Juniper at the bathhouse to kickstart the quest. Breaking the seal will release Caldarus in his human form, allowing him to save you from ensuing calamities. After this, Caldarus retreats to his home in the Deep Woods to recover and gifts you the Dragon’s Breath spell.

Dragon’s Breath is essential for clearing the vines obstructing your path to the Deep Woods and unlocking crafting recipes. Make sure to have a high-grade axe to deal with stumps and a copper pickaxe to break the rock near the carpenter’s shop. Caldarus resides in the upper right corner of the region, where you can engage in conversations to further the romance.

Caldarus’ Heart Level

Initially, players reported starting their relationship with Caldarus at six hearts. NPC Studio later adjusted this feature to align with the player’s story progress. For players at different story stages, Caldarus’ affection level will vary accordingly. New players aiming to begin a romance with Caldarus should focus on advancing through the required missions without progressing too far in the main story to keep the affection level as intended.

Caldarus’ Preferred Gifts

Statue Caldarus will still function as normal on your farm, even after Human Caldarus sets up house.
Statue Caldarus will still function as normal on your farm, even after Human Caldarus sets up house.

While not all of Caldarus’ preferred gifts have been uncovered, we do have a list that can help you impress him:

Caldarus’ Loved Gifts

  • Caldarus Statuette
  • Veggie Sub Sandwich
  • Apple Honey Curry
  • Spring Galette

Caldarus’ Liked Gifts

  • Fish Tacos
  • Ice Cream Sundae
  • Vegetable Quiche
  • Golden Cookies
  • Chocolate Cake

Avoid gifting Dragon’s Claw, as it is not appreciated by Caldarus. Similarly, be cautious with Dragon’s Scale as well to ensure a successful romance.