How to Access the Secret Store in R.E.P.O.

Where to Discover the Hidden Store in R.E.P.O.

Once you reach the Service Station in R.E.P.O., make your way over to the Health Packs section and leap up. While gazing at the ceiling, attempt to interact with one of the tiles until you can successfully engage with it. By tugging on the far end of that tile (which may require some maneuvering), you’ll be able to open up access to the ceiling.

If you’re fortunate, you may find a Feather Drone at the Service Station that you can utilize. Simply activate it by pressing “E” and ascend into the ceiling. In the event that a Feather Drone is not available, you have the option to propel yourself upwards using a Shockwave Mine. While the latter method requires some practice, it is definitely achievable. Just remember to jump when the mine detonates.

REPO Shockwave Mine

Alternatively, if you are playing with a companion, a clever technique to reach the hidden store is to have your friend crouch with “Q”, lifting them up and placing them into the ceiling. If you can’t quite reach, try hopping and using the mouse wheel to extend your reach until they are positioned as far away as possible, all the while making use of your surroundings.

The items available for purchase at the Service Station are often randomized. If you are unlucky, playing solo, or finding the Shockwave Mine approach too challenging to master, try stacking objects around you to create a makeshift step ladder. If all else fails, don’t worry. You can always try again after completing another level, as you will always end up back at the Service Station if you manage to survive.

What’s Inside the Hidden Store in R.E.P.O.?

If you successfully access the secret area, take a look around the skeletons’ hiding spot to see what items are up for grabs. Typically, you will have the option of choosing between two items (sometimes both appear simultaneously): a Duct Tape Grenade or a Human Grenade. However, these items come at a price.

REPO Secret Store room

The ‘Human Grenade’ (priced at $2K) offers a precise explosion with less damage compared to the standard Grenade. On the other hand, the ‘Duct Tape Grenade’ (also priced at $2K) is essentially multiple Human Grenades bound together with duct tape. This option delivers more damage but with less accuracy. These potent throwable items can be a lifesaver when you’re cornered, making the effort to access the secret store definitely worth it if you have the funds.

And there you have it, the method to uncovering the secret store room in R.E.P.O. Be sure to explore our other guides for additional tips and strategies.

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