How to Beat Nikola Tesla in Dead Rails

Defeating Nikola Tesla in Dead Rails

Nikola Tesla is known as a formidable boss in the game, boasting the highest HP at 5800. Taking him down can be quite challenging if you don’t know the right strategies. If you haven’t encountered him after lowering the bridge, it’s likely because you haven’t resurrected him in the Tesla Lab before. Check out our guide on how to do it. Once he’s back, he will escape the facility only to return at the 80,000m mark.

Preparing for Battle

When facing Nikola Tesla in the Tesla Lab, make sure to grab the Electrocutioner gun. This weapon has a unique ability that allows it to instantly kill smaller enemies and deal significant damage to Tesla himself. The gun generates lightning bolts, but it requires special ammunition. You can reload it by using a Lightning rod during a Lightning storm or by using Holy Water/Crucifix on the body of a fallen enemy while the gun is nearby.

If you’re playing with a group, strategize on who will handle which type of enemy during the encounter.

image via RobloxGamerz

As Nikola Tesla approaches, drop Holy Water on the ground to damage him upon entry. Use the Electrocutioner gun to release lightning bolts and chip away at his health bar displayed on the Brain in the Jar.

Intense Battle Tactics

Since Tesla is a tough adversary, continue firing the gun while coordinating with your teammates. Utilize Snake Oil to boost your health periodically. Consider placing a turret on your train for additional support. If he gets too close, seek refuge inside a building while your allies continue to wear down his health.

Defeating Nikola Tesla can be rewarding, as his head sells for $250 and his entire body for $300. Ensure you are fully armored, as Tesla deals 30 damage per hit to players with full body armor, and 60 damage without it. Additionally, remember that you cannot outrun him due to his speed of 30 compared to your speed of 16.

Develop a solid strategy, whether you’re facing him solo or as a team, to increase your chances of emerging victorious in this challenging boss battle.