Minecraft Movie Tries To Capture Some ‘Peaches’ Magic With New Jack Black Track

Minecraft Movie Delivers Jack Black’s Musical Magic Once Again

Remember the surprise hit of The Super Mario Bros. Movie with Bowser’s unexpected love song ‘Peaches’? Well, get ready for Jack Black’s musical charm in the Minecraft Movie. Warner Bros. music label, WaterTower Music, has just dropped a lyric video for a new song, ‘I Feel Alive’, featuring none other than Jack Black.

While the tune is catchy and likely to play during a guitar-shredding session between Black and co-star Jason Momoa in the credits, it’s not a new territory for Black. His musical prowess is well-known in the industry, with similar songs featuring in many of his films.

Although ‘I Feel Alive’ may not create the same buzz as ‘Peaches’, fans can look forward to experiencing it when the Minecraft Movie hits theaters on April 4th.

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Jim Norman joined Nintendo Life in 2022 and has been writing news and features ever since. Despite his controversial choices like declaring The Minish Cap as the best Zelda game and loving the Star Wars prequels, Jim’s passion for gaming shines through in his work.