What is the max level cap in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

The Maximum Level in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

The maximum level cap in Assassin’s Creed Shadows is so high that reaching it might not even be a concern for most players. In this game, your level not only determines the equipment you can utilize but also affects the overall strength of your character, including their health and other base stats. As you progress through the game, the weapons and armor you come across, as well as the enemies you encounter, will all scale in level alongside your characters, Naoe and Yasuke. The good news is that both characters share experience points and level progress, simplifying the leveling process for players.

What is the maximum level in Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

The maximum level cap in Assassin’s Creed Shadows appears to be 60, as indicated by the way Forge upgrades operate at your Hideout. When you upgrade your Forge to its highest rank, you gain the ability to upgrade weapons and armor up to level 60, suggesting that this is the pinnacle of the leveling system in the game. This figure aligns with the progression observed during gameplay and is consistent with reports from other players who have also reached a similar maximum level.

Reaching level 60 is no easy task, requiring a significant amount of gameplay. Even after 62 hours of playtime, completing the main story and engaging in optional activities like Lost Pages and Kuji-kiri, the highest level attained was only 50. This indicates that progressing beyond level 50 will demand considerable dedication and time investment from players. At this stage, regions in the game have scaled to level 46, with equipment reaching levels 51 and 52.

By the time players reach level 50, it takes around 18,000 experience points to advance to the next level. Naoe’s base stats include 945 Health and 492 Attack Damage, while Yasuke boasts 2,211 Health and 985 Attack Damage. Equipping them with gear sets and weapons appropriate for their level boosts Naoe’s stats to 3,947 Health and 1,969 Attack Damage, and Yasuke’s to 9,104 Health and 3,784 Attack Damage.

Players can earn mastery points in the game, with an emphasis on clearing castles yielding significant results. Each castle features Samurai Daisho, and eliminating them grants mastery points. The amount of points accumulated may vary depending on how much time players spend engaging in castle clearing activities. Furthermore, completing castles not only aids in leveling up but also provides valuable experience and rare gear rewards.

While completing castles is a reliable method of gaining experience, another efficient way is to hunt down all targets in a single board of the Objectives menu, culminating in completing a final quest that can yield approximately 10,000 experience points. For a quicker source of experience, players can undertake Contracts and Anomalies, which offer not only experience but bonus materials and currency as well.

For those beginning their journey in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, aside from utilizing a full walkthrough guide, there are resources available to assist in understanding the game mechanics better, such as estimates on game completion times, details on unlocking characters like Yasuke, and guidance on choosing between canon, immersive, or guided exploration modes.