AC Shadows The Tea Ceremony Choice: Wakasa or Otama

Prior Choices

Before reaching the confrontation choices in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, there are several instances during The Tea Ceremony quest where players are prompted to choose between different options. These choices have minimal impact on the dialogue and do not affect the overall outcome, allowing players to freely select any options without consequences.

Wakasa is the Golden Teppo Regardless of Choice

Regardless of who players choose to confront, either Wakasa or Otama, it is revealed that Wakasa is the Golden Teppo. The outcome remains unchanged, but the path to this conclusion varies depending on the player’s decision. Confronting Otama results in a bloodier encounter, whereas confronting Wakasa features more direct confrontation.

Confront Wakasa

If players choose to confront Wakasa, they will directly uncover her identity as the Golden Teppo. This option is less violent, but the dialogue may appeal to players who enjoy exploring Naoe’s vengeful side. Wakasa admits to being the Golden Teppo and warns Naoe to leave Sakai, prompting a fierce response from Naoe.

Confront Otama

Opting to confront Otama leads players to assassinate her by chasing her down in the streets and looting her body. A letter found on Otama’s person reveals Wakasa’s identity as the Golden Teppo, prompting Naoe to take a trip to Osaka. This choice implies that Otama is corrupt, justifying her elimination.

Regardless of the choice made, it is revealed that Wakasa is the Golden Teppo. The next step in Naoe’s revenge journey is to confront Wakasa again in Osaka, where players have the opportunity to assassinate her during the Drive the Point Home quest.