Dead Rails Challenges Guide – Gamer Tweak

Challenges in Dead Rails and Strategies to Complete Them

With Bonds being a rare commodity in Dead Rails, developers have introduced a new way to earn them through Challenges. These Challenges can be found on the board in the lobby, and by completing them, players can earn Sheriff Star points. While more Challenges may be added in the future, here is a list of the current Challenges available in the game.

  • Tame a Unicorn: The luck-based challenge of taming a Unicorn can be achieved by following a specific guide. Upon success, players receive 5 Bonds and 1 Star Point.
  • Escape: Survive the ambush at 80,000m by lowering the bridge to complete this challenge and earn 5 Bonds and 1 Star Point.
  • Bounty Hunter: Eliminate 5 Outlaws in one game and deliver their bodies to a Sheriff’s Office for a bounty. This challenge rewards players with 5 Bonds and 1 Star Point.
  • New Sheriff in Town: Take down 50 Outlaws in one game to earn 15 Bonds and 3 Star Points. Focus on acquiring a rifle early and eliminating every group of Outlaws you encounter.
  • Werewolf Hunter: Defeat 50 Werewolves in one game using various weapons like Holy Water, Crucifix, and guns. Players can earn 15 Bonds and 3 Star Points for this challenge.
  • Zombie Hunter: Wipe out 200 Zombies in one game, particularly in towns where they are abundant. Completing this challenge not only rewards players with 15 Bonds and 3 Star Points but also valuable loot.
  • Unkillable: Finish the game without dying, including teammates. This challenging task can be made easier in solo play by understanding game mechanics and communicating effectively in team play to assist each other.
snake oil
  • Pacifist: Successfully complete the game without killing any enemies. Utilize Safezone turrets for protection and gather resources from fallen foes. Upgrading the train and equipping armor are essential for survival.
cowboy class
  • Pony Express: Challenge yourself to complete the game without using the train. Opt for the Cowboy class and avoid driving the train to earn rewards.