AC Shadows Choice: I Understand You Well or Say Nothing?

I Understand You Well or Say Nothing Choice in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

When you first begin playing Assassin’s Creed Shadows, you are faced with a crucial decision between “I Understand You Well” and “Say Nothing?” as Yasuke/Diogo. This pivotal moment occurs during the prologue when you are bowing before Oda Nobunaga. The options presented to you reveal different outcomes based on your choice. Should you disclose that you understand them or opt to remain silent? What are the repercussions of each decision?

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  • By choosing the “I understand you well” option, Oda Nobunaga has a swift response for Father Valignano, and the room is filled with surprise.
  • If you select the “Say nothing” option, Father Valignano continues the conversation as normal.

It’s important to note that the choice you make in this moment does not alter the overall outcome of the game. Rather, it merely changes how the characters react to your decision. Following these reactions and a minor shift in the cutscene, the narrative will progress in a similar fashion regardless of your choice. Oda Nobunaga senses that Yasuke comprehends him in both scenarios.

oda nobunaga in prologue

After selecting the “Say Nothing” option, you will have another chance to respond. You can choose to say either “I was following Valignano’s orders” or “I am still learning your language and customs.” However, similar to the initial choice, neither option significantly impacts the storyline progression.

answering oda nobunaga follow up question

That concludes this guide. If you’re interested in more pivotal decisions like confronting specific characters, navigating riddles, or turning the bowl, be sure to explore our in-depth guides.

Additionally, learn how to manually switch seasons, sheath weapons to earn the Final Hearing trophy, and discover when you can take on the role of Yasuke in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.