Support Meta : New Trends – DOTABUFF

Overview of the Support Meta

The current landscape of support heroes in the meta is quite diverse, with a mix of popular picks and some lesser-known options that are gaining recognition. In this overview, we’ll take a look at some of the more exotic support heroes and discuss how to effectively utilize them in your games.

Offlane Void: A Professional Scene Trend

Support Void may be a tempting pick, especially for those following the professional scene closely. However, it’s essential to understand the differences between the competitive scene and matchmaking games. In the pro scene, a Void pick is a flex pick that keeps the enemy guessing, whereas in pubs, a first-phase Void pick is likely to be identified as a support, making it less threatening.

In professional matches, support Faceless Void is played around his distinct timings with Time Dilation. However, the tempo of regular matchmaking games may not be conducive to maximizing his impact. Additionally, Void lacks farming potential as a support, relying on kills for gold, which may not be guaranteed in pub games.

Position four Void is not recommended for pub games due to these challenges, as it may not translate well from the professional scene to matchmaking games.

Ancient Apparition: A Pub-Friendly Support Pick

On the other hand, Ancient Apparition is a solid choice for pub games. Despite being considered weak in lane, AA excels at trading with his superior attack range. Creating opportunities for quick hits and securing kills when guaranteed are key aspects of playing AA effectively.

Transitioning into the midgame, AA becomes a global threat with significant damage potential. By maximizing Ice Vortex early and utilizing Aghanim’s Shard effectively, AA can control teamfights and provide valuable utility to the team.

Silencer’s Identity Crisis

Silencer has seen a resurgence with recent changes, particularly with the return of his nuke ability. Maximizing Arcane Curse first and utilizing Global Silence strategically are essential for playing Silencer effectively. Avoid rushing Aghanim’s Scepter and Refresher Orb too early, as prioritizing support items like Force Staff can have a bigger impact in pub games.

Exploring Exotic Support Ideas

While heroes like Warlock, Muerta, and Jakiro remain safe picks in the current meta, experimenting with unconventional support heroes can be a refreshing change. Embracing unique playstyles and having fun with heroes like AA and Silencer can add variety to your games without compromising your team’s chances of winning.

What exotic support heroes have you been exploring in the new patch? Share your thoughts in the comments below!