Phasmophobia Cursed Possessions – All spawn locations

All Cursed Items in Phasmophobia

When it comes to ghost hunting, having a little supernatural assistance can make all the difference. In Phasmophobia, there are seven Cursed Possessions scattered across the various maps that can aid you in your paranormal investigations. These items provide unique advantages but come with the risk of negative effects. During a standard hunt without custom settings, only one Cursed Possession will spawn on the map.

The spawn points of these items remain constant even after resetting a run, reducing the randomness associated with their appearance. Below is a list of all the Cursed Possessions and their effects, followed by a guide to their locations on each map in the game.

Cursed Possession Effects

Haunted MirrorLooking at the Mirror reveals the ghost’s favorite room but also decreases your Sanity. Breaking the Mirror at 0% Sanity triggers a cursed hunt.
Monkey PawThe Monkey Paw grants a specific number of wishes based on the difficulty level, ranging from trapping the ghost to changing the weather.
Music BoxActivating the Music Box near the ghost allows you to pinpoint its location as it sings along.
Ouija BoardThe Ouija Board facilitates direct communication with the ghost in exchange for Sanity, providing information about its location and intentions.
Summoning CircleLighting the candles around the Summoning Circle summons the ghost to that location, ideal for capturing photographic evidence.
Tarot CardsPicking a Tarot Card triggers various effects on players or the ghost, such as teleportation or reducing Sanity levels.
Voodoo DollInteracting with the Voodoo Doll and removing its pins compels the ghost to perform specific actions.

Cursed Possession Spawn Points in Phasmophobia

6 Tanglewood Drive

Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

10 Ridgeview Court

Phasmophobia 10 Ridgeview Court Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

13 Willow Street

Phasmophobia 13 Willow Street Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

42 Edgefield Road

Phasmophobia 42 Edgefield Road Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

Bleasdale Farmhouse

Phasmophobia Bleasdale Farmhouse Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

Brownstone High School

Phasmophobia Brownstone High School Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

Camp Woodwind

Phasmophobia Camp Woodwind Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

Grafton Farmhouse

Phasmophobia Grafton Farmhouse Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

Maple Lodge Campsite

Phasmophobia Maple Lodge Campsite Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team


Phasmophobia Prison Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

Sunny Meadows Mental Institution

Phasmophobia Sunny Meadows Mental Institution Cursed Possessions
Screenshot: Karotte Phasmo Team

With the exception of a few maps, Cursed Possessions can be located in various rooms and zones. Remember to use them strategically in the investigation area, as they can only be effective within that space. Be cautious of the potential negative effects and Sanity reduction that come with utilizing these items, and ensure you combine them with your equipment to successfully complete your objectives within the allotted time.