When it comes to enhancing your crafters and gatherers in Final Fantasy 14, engaging in weekly custom deliveries to enthusiastic clients is a fantastic method to accumulate both EXP and scrips, the crafting/gathering currency.
In this guide, we will delve into the details of how custom deliveries function in FFXIV and how to unlock all of them.
Understanding Custom Deliveries in FFXIV
Custom deliveries are quests that can be completed weekly to earn a substantial amount of crafting and gathering EXP and scrips. As you deliver items to characters, their satisfaction with you will increase, unlocking more information about the character. Each week, you can complete up to 12 custom deliveries in total, with a limit of six deliveries per specific NPC. The deliveries reset every Tuesday morning.
Weekly clients will provide a list of items they demand, which you can craft or gather for them. To check the required items without conversing with the clients, simply navigate to the “duty” menu, select “timers,” and then choose “custom deliveries.” Please note that clients will only be visible if you have unlocked them.
Image: Square Enix via Polygon
Crafting materials essential for custom deliveries can be purchased from local merchants. For instance, Scrap Salvager in Idyllshire sells materials required for Zhloe and Adkiragh, while Kurenai’s materials are available from the Blue Merchant opposite her in Tamamizu.
For gathering items, you can identify the gathering nodes by accessing the custom delivery menu for the client, selecting the fish or gatherable, and choosing “display location” or “search for item by gathering method” accordingly.
The higher the collectability of the items you turn in, the more EXP and scrips you will receive in return. Scrips can be utilized to procure essential crafting materials, materia, decorations, and other valuable items from Scrip Exchange NPCs. Notably, you can obtain certain materials required for your Heavensward Anima relic weapon using scrips.
Once you reach maximum satisfaction with a client, you can glamour them by dressing them in any outfit of your choice. This can be done for all clients except M’naago and Ehll Tou.
Benefits of Custom Deliveries
While EXP and scrips serve as rewarding incentives, some custom deliveries offer unique rewards that are worth striving for:
To acquire the abovementioned rewards, you must attain maximum satisfaction with the clients and complete a quest provided by the client after doing so.
Furthermore, each client bestows two titles upon reaching maximum satisfaction and delivering 150 collectables to them.
Locations to Unlock All Custom Deliveries in FFXIV
Prior to unlocking custom deliveries, it is necessary to unlock collectables if you haven’t already. This can be achieved by completing the quest “Inscrutable Tastes” from Morgayne in the Foundation (Ishgard). Additionally, you need to be at least level 50 in a crafting or gathering job to unlock collectables, while the first custom delivery client becomes available at level 55.
To access scrip exchanges and vendors for each expansion, you must complete brief conversation quests as follows:
- Heavensward: “Go West, Craftsman” from Lydirlona in Mor Dhona
- Stormblood: “Reach Long and Prosper” from Galiena in Rhalgr’s Reach
- Shadowbringers: “The Boutique Always Wins” from Mowen in Eulmore
- Endwalker: “Expanding House of Splendors” from Ofpilona in Radz-at-Han
Two clients require you to unlock The Firmament, the central hub for Ishgard Restoration. This can be accomplished by finishing the quest “Towards the Firmament” via the Recruitment Notice flyer near the Ishgard Aetheryte. Most of this questline must be completed to unlock Ehll Tou, while the entire line is necessary to unlock Charlemend.