Tuesday Review – IGN

Exploring Death in Cinema

There is one thing that unites all of us in this beautiful, bizarre little thing we call life. Yes, it’s death, a topic so universal that it’s captured the imagination of artists for centuries, resulting in countless stories that confront what it means to say goodbye to everything we know. Add Daina O. Pusić to the list of filmmakers, authors, and painters who’ve asked themselves, “As it all goes silent, what will death look like?”

If you guess anything other than “a menacing macaw that fluctuates wildly in size at the center of an A24 movie,” then you’re not operating on the same wavelength as Pusić. This is how the writer-director pictures death in her fascinating yet flighty debut feature Tuesday: brightly colored, feathered, and all-seeing. One of the first things we see in Tuesday is, in a sense, everything – the entire planet in the eye of Oniunas-Pusic’s version of the Grim Reaper. This is a film of sensory overload, with a constant buzz running through its superb sound mixing that speaks frankly to how the world keeps turning even as it all comes to a stop for those about to die.