So far in the Diablo 4 beta, the Druid has been a bit underwhelming for most players. While most find the Druid’s skills enjoyable from strictly an aesthetic point of view, there is a growing consensus that the skills are weak overall, especially when compared to the other four classes. However, if players want to try and increase the power of the Druid, they should look at spending skill points on Talents. Talents are passive abilities that allow players to further customize their build and increase the power of their active skills.
Below, you can see all of the Druid’s available Talents and which ones we recommend for a couple of key builds.
Diablo 4 Druid Talents
Similar to other classes, the Druid has Talents that are grouped into different categories. For example, there are some Talents that you can’t acquire before learning Talents that have come before it. Comparatively, they work exactly like other skills where you need to spend a certain number of skill points to gain access to certain Talents. We have everything broken down below so you can see exactly which Talents fall where for the Druid.
Core Skill Talents
- Heart of the Wild – Maximum Spirit is increased.
- Abundance – Basic Skills generate more Spirit.
- Wild Impulses – Your Core Skills cost more Spirit but deal increased damage.
- Predatory Instincts – Critical Strike Chance against close enemies is increased.
- Digitigrade Gait – You gain movement speed while in Werewolf form.
- Iron Fur – You gain damage reduction while in Werebear form.
Defensive Skill Talents
- Ancestral Fortitude – Increase your non-physical resistances.
- Vigilance – You gain damage reduction for 6 seconds after using a defensive skill.
Companion Skill Talents
- Call of the Wild – Your companions deal bonus damage.
- Clarity – Gain 2 Spirit when transforming into Human form.
- Nature’s Reach – Deal increased damage to distant enemies. Double this bonus if they are also slowed, stunned, immobilized, or knocked back.
Wrath Skill Talents
- Elemental Exposure – Lucky Hit: Your Storm Skills have a chance to make enemies vulnerable.
- Charged Atmosphere – Every 18 seconds, a lightning strike hits a nearby enemy for damage.
- Endless Tempest – Increase the duration of Hurricane and Cataclysm.
- Bad Omen – Lucky Hit: A chance when dealing damage to a vulnerable, immobilized or stunned enemy that a lightning strike also hits for damage.
- Electric Shock – If the target is already immobilized, the lightning damage dealt to them is increased instead.
- Crushing Earth – Earth skills deal increased damage to slowed, stunned, immobilized, or knocked back enemies.
- Safeguard – Critical strikes with earth skills Fortify you for a percentage of Base Life.
- Stone Guard – While you have Fortify for a percentage of your Maximum Life, your Earth skills deal increased damage.
- Neurotoxin – Poisoned enemies are slowed.
- Envenom – Poisoned enemies take additional critical strike damage.
- Toxic Claws – Critical strikes with Werewolf skills deal damage as poisoning damage over time.

Ultimate Skill Talents
- Defiance – Nature magic skills deal increased damage to elites.
- Circle of Life – Nature magic skills that consume Spirit heal you for a percentage of Maximum Life.
- Resonance – Nature magic skills deal increased damage. Triple this bonus if an Earth skill is the next skill cast after a Storm skill, or a Storm skill is the next skill after an Earth skill.
- Natural Disaster – Your Earth skills deal increased damage to vulnerable enemies. Your Storm skills deal increased damage to enemies that are stunned, immobilized or knocked back.
- Defensive Posture – Increases the amount of Fortify you gain from all sources.
- Thick Hide – Whenever you are stunned, immobilized, or knocked down, Fortify for a percentage of Base Life.
- Nature’s Resolve – A chance when struck to Fortify for a percentage of Base Life.
- Unrestrained – Reduce the duration of Control Impairing effects by a percentage. Triple this effect while you have Fortify for over 50% of Maximum Life.
- Quickshift – When a shapeshifting skill transforms you into a different form, it deals increased damage.
- Natural Fortitude – Shapeshifting Fortifies you for a percentage of Base Life.
- Heightened Senses – Upon shapeshifting into a Werewolf or Werebear, gain damage reduction against elites for a brief time.
Key Passive Talents
- Perfect Storm – Your Storm skills grant Spirit and deal increased damage when damaging a vulnerable, immobilized, or slowed enemy.
- Nature’s Fury – Casting an Earth skill has a chance to trigger a free Storm skill of the same category. Increased chance to also trigger a free Earth skill.
- Earthen Might – Lucky Hit: Damaging enemies with Earth skills has a chance to: restore all Spirit, cause your attacks to be guaranteed critical strikes for a brief time.
- Lupine Ferocity – Some Werewolf skills hit critical strikes and deal massively increased damage.
- Bestial Rampage – After being a Werewolf for some time, gain extra attack speed for several seconds. After being a Werebear for some time, gain increased damage for several seconds.
- Ursine Strength – Gain additional Maximum Life while in Werebear and a few seconds after leaving the form. While healthy, deal increased damage.
Now that we’ve gone over every single one of the Talents for the Druid, we have a couple of recommended lists of Talents that you should unlock for your builds. In the style of the Druid, these two lists are based off of the Werebear and Werewolf forms, and the Talents included are specific to those forms.
Werebear Build Talents
- Iron Fur (Predatory Instincts required)
- Heightened Senses (Quickshift required)
- Natural Fortitude (Quickshift required)
- Ursine Strength (Key Passive)
Werewolf Build Talents
- Digitigrade Gait (Predatory Instincts required)
- Call of the Wild (with the Wolves Companion skill active)
- Neurotoxin (with the Fierce upgrade for the Claw Basic Skill)
- Envenom (Neurotoxin required)
- Quickshift
- Bestial Rampage (Key Passive)
The Druid is a much more enjoyable class when you have the right Talents going for you. However, to make the class even better in Diablo 4, you can check out our recommended build guide for the Druid. Find all of our Diablo 4 guides in one place.
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