How to beat Screamer zombies in Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2 has numerous different enemies for you to test your mettle against in the highly anticipated sequel to Dead Island. You can swing your bat at anything from a Walker zombie, all the way to Crushers, which are formidable opponents. One of the zombie types in Dead Island 2 is the Screamer. The Screamer is an enemy that uses screams to lure and rile up zombies, and can be a pain to take down if you’re unsure of how to do so. Here’s our guide on how to beat Screamer zombies in Dead Island 2.

How to beat Screamer zombies in Dead Island 2

Defeating Screamer zombies can seem hard at first glance, but luckily thanks to where they’re introduced into Dead Island 2 there’s a few things you have at your disposal that make this task a lot easier. The first tip to being able to beat Screamers is to keep your distance, as their scream can only affect a certain radius. This means you can stay away and use projectiles of firearms to do damage while they aren’t doing any damage to you.

In the mission where you first encounter a Screamer zombie, it’s the mission where you first receive guns. Meaning after you beat that one Screamer in Dead Island 2, you can use guns forever after that point to take down Screamers from a distance.

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Another tip for beating Screamers in Dead Island 2 is to interrupt their scream attack. You can do this by using numerous things, including curveballs and throwing your weapon at them. You can also do this by drop kicking them, although getting close enough for that to be a viable option is a little hard to do, so we recommend either using curveballs or throwing your weapon.

Throwing your weapon at them also lowers their stability a large amount. This can lead to them put in a vulnerable state which makes them very easy to take down.

Using these tricks, defeating a Screamer should be a lot easier.

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