Honkai Star Rail’s Simulated Universe is unlike most other activities in the game, offering its own unique spin on a Roguelike game mode. This game mode also gets challenging very quickly and has many players asking how to complete Simulated Universe World 2 in Honkai: Star Rail.
Related: How to clear Simulated Universe World 3
Honkai Star Rail: How to complete Simulated Universe World 2
Simulated Universe World 2 is similar to the first, albeit much longer and with more formidable enemies. Enemies in Simulated World 2 go as high as level 37, and there are 13 floors to beat. It’s possible to clear World 2 on your first try but losing will make future attempts easier.
If you fail to make it to the end, complain to Herta, who’s standing nearby, and she will make a few adjustments to the Simulated Universe.
The biggest change Herta will make is introducing a new system. Before your next attempt, you’ll be prompted to choose a ‘path.’ You’ll gain access to a powerful bonus attack by collecting three blessings of that path during your run. This attack is so good it should tip the scales in your favor against elite enemies and the final boss. Like your character’s Ultimates, this attack has its own independent cooldown and can be used multiple times.
Image by PC Invasion
What team should I use?
If you’re lucky enough to have pulled a 5-star hero, feel free to use them. Assuming you only have 4-star characters, you can do just fine with Trailblazer, March 7th, Dan Heng, and Asta. March 7th is awesome for Simulated World content, as many blessings benefit from Shields. Some perks grant Shields independently, but March is a great enabler for many Simulated World buffs.
What to do if you’re still struggling
If you’re still having trouble, don’t despair! Here are a few more things you can try to get through Simulated Universe World 2 in Honkai: Star Rail
Pay attention to your blessings.
Every blessing is valuable, but make sure they benefit you before taking them. Many blessings will only work if you have Shields or do follow-up attacks. March 7th enables many of these abilities but ensure your choices work with your team composition.
Common blessings are OK!
The blessing effect is always more important than its rarity. Taking every gold blessing you see is tempting, but they aren’t worth it if they don’t benefit your team.
Don’t neglect your Relics and Light Cones.
Light Cones and Relics make your characters much stronger when they are upgraded. Relics, in particular, make a huge difference. The game gets it wrong sometimes, but if you’re unsure what Relics to wear, unequip them, then press the ‘Recommended Gear’ button. This will equip a decent set from your inventory.
Use brute force
If all else fails, return to the Simulated World later when you have a higher-level team. With a squad that’s level 45 or higher, you should crush World 2 even with bad blessings.