How to get Bronze & Silver Medallions in Guardian Games

The Guardian Games are once more upon us. The games are a way to forget the horrors of the surrounding Galaxy and instead focus on some lighthearted class wars between the different factions. Despite the fact that Warlocks are going to win because they’re clearly superior, it is still admirable to strive to come in second place. Knowing how to fill your case with easy-to-acquire Bronze and Silver Medallions in Guardian Games will rapidly increase your class’s rankings.

How to get Bronze & Silver Medallions in Guardian Games

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Acquiring the higher level Medallions is always the best way to progress through the Guardian Games, but sometimes you just need to get the easy Medallions to fill your case. These can be acquired very quickly, so if you only have an hour or so to blast through Destiny 2, they are an ideal goal. If you’re looking for how to get your hands on the Platnum and Gold Medallions in the Guardian Games, check this guide.

The quickest way to get bronze and silver Medallions in Guardian Games is to run through the lower-level matches and playlists quickly. Simple Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit games will always reward you with Bronze and Silver Medallions, provided you wear your Guardian Games gear.

To be awarded a Bronze Medallion, you must achieve a low score on any Guardian Games activities. For the Silver Medallions, you must try harder and achieve a higher score. However, this isn’t all that hard, and you will quickly find you have reached the maximum capacity in your Medallion Case.

The Guardian Games benefits

bronze & silver medallions in Guardian Games

Screenshot by PC Invasion

So, why bother farming all these Medallions in the first place? The answer is simple: Glory. The class that wins the Guardian Games has their statue placed in the tower, lording it over the losers until the following year. Apart from that, there is also some pretty neat loot.

The loot includes all the usual good stuff like enhancement cores and glimmer, but more importantly, there are also a few weapons and cosmetics. The two weapons to look out for are the Tile Void SMG and Taraxippos. So get your grind on and get your hands on these exclusive weapons.


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